<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>So I found out about Questbridge online. The dates for their College Prep stuff has passed too, so now I am considering applying for their College Match program. I know it's pretty hard to get selected as a finalist and to even get a full ride and scholarships, but are there any tips you guys have to even get me close to there?</p>
<p>My grades aren't the best. I don't have straight A's and junior year is just horrible, especially since my teachers aren't the greatest either. Do my grades alone just make my chances even smaller? I've taken my SAT already and got a 2060, and I might take it again depending on how much I improve on practice tests. As for the ACT, I want to take it, but I don't know if I'm ready yet. As for APs, I took Bio last year because my mom forced me too even though I never took the class and was not prepared at all. I got a 3.. :( and got a six hundred something on the subject test...This year I took AP Chem, AP Lang, and APUSH. I'm planning to take the subject tests for Math II, Chem, and US History.</p>
<p>So basically I'm wondering, if I don't have top-notch grades (which I don't...) are my chances for Questbridge super slim? Because on their website they talk about how most of the recipients are top of their classes. Also, my school has no ranking system. But I do think my extracurriculars are pretty good, but I don't think they're enough to make up for my grades. As for essays and the short answer questions, I guess I will have to work on those...</p>
<p>And also, when filling out the Questbridge application, how does the financial part work? Do you need to send forms and copies of stuff to them? Also, what if on my birth certificate I don't have a dad listed? How do I send financial information pertaining to my biological father?</p>
<p>So to sum it all up...What are my chances? Any tips?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance! :)</p>
<p>What is your unweighted GPA and class rank?
Also how good of a writer are you?
Finally are you more interested in becoming a finalist or being actually matched (if the latter, income and race will impact your results)?</p>
<p>Our school has no ranking system. As for GPA, I’m looking at my latest transcript which shows only up to first semester of junior year. It says “GPA (9-12) Weighted 3.966 Non-Wgtd 3.552” and “GPA (10-12) Weighted 4.000 Non-Wgtd 3.529”. It also has GPAs under each semester, but I’m guessing those are weighted: 9th first semester 4.000, 9th second semester 3.800, 10th first semester 3.857, 10th second semester 4.000, and 11th first semester 4.200. For my 11th grade second semester GPA, I’m expecting it to go down…
I’m struggling right now in math and chem…</p>
<p>As for writing, I do ok under time pressure like for AP Lang and SAT, so I think if I have time to correct it and revise it I’m not bad.</p>
<p>My goal is just to get accepted into a “good” college, so does that mean getting matched? I don’t know my mom’s income, but she does not have a job and she receives some money from relatives every month. Also, I’m pretty sure she has some money saved up in the bank, but not a great amount. Does income include the money she receives from relatives? Or does income specifically mean the money earned from a job and financial aid from the government?</p>
<p>I am Asian, more specifically Malaysian and Chinese but I was born in the U.S. Also, a little more background on me…I have a half brother (different father) who’s currently at UCSB and my mom’s divorced. After she got divorced, she had me, but on my birth certificate there is no father listed. Also, my mother was born and went up to third grade in Malaysia, but there’s really no record of it since she lived in a village.</p>
<p>A 3.5 uw is low for Questbridge, it will be much easier for you to make finalist then to be actually matched. I personally had to report all savings we had and the child support my mom receives from my father, not so sure about relatives though. You can go to a good college without getting matched, many do. If you don’t want to go into debt your goal should be to accepted to a school that meets 100 percent of demonstrated need. The term good is subjective, some schools are more prestigious which others perceive as good. In reality a good school will be a good fit for you, that you can also afford. Hopefully that helped, any more questions?</p>
<p>3.5? Uw is low? Lol I knew a guy with a 2.9 matched to Brown</p>