chances at amherst, nyu and boston u

<p>title says it all here is the low-down</p>

<p>GPA- 3.6 uw 4.1 weighted
SAT I- 1430/2030 (i bombed writing 700v,730m,610w)
Sat IIs- 720 US History, 680 MathII, 660 Bio
ACT- 32
Class rank- ~20/407
National Merit Commended Student</p>

<p>Taken all of the honors and AP's at my school except stats
Senior Year Schedule
Chem 2 (honors)
Physics (weighted)
AP English
AP Calc BC
Jazz Band (been in music 4 years)
AP Government</p>

<p>Notable EC's
Vice President of Senior Class
President of Science Club
Captain of Quiz Team
Vice President of Junior State of America (political club)
Student Government (3 years)
National Honors Society
100+ community service hours
a bunch of other random ec's</p>

<p>mediocre essays, nothing great
amazing reccomendations</p>

<p>about me:
from rural ohio
uncompetitive high school
indian, male
Possible hook-brother attends NYU?</p>

<p>thanks for your time!!!</p>

<p>anyone? come onnnnnnnn PLEASEEEE</p>

<p>BU: Safe match
NYU: match</p>

<p>don't know about amherst.</p>

<p>amherst: reach</p>

<p>BU - Safe, Safe Match</p>

<p>NYU - Match</p>

<p>Amherst - Reach</p>

<p>um, I'd say Amherst = far reach. Here's why: your stats are suitable for Amherst, your EC's are solid/sincere and about what they hope for, showing multiple community involvements/leadership/continuity. So that makes you like many hundreds that they will be perusing. So, I was holding my breath as I read your post, thinking: he'd have to distinguish himself with a great essay, let yourself shine as an individual. Since they don't interview anybody, they do count on the essay to bring your candidacy alive. Unless you were too modest just now describing your essay on CC, then I'd say don't expect to get in to Amherst. But, hey, they're reading the app, not us, so that means you still have a chance...just much more reach-y than the others, where you sound like a great match+ to me. (Don't you wish I were the adcom?). </p>

<p>The Indian male from rural Ohio noncompetitive hs is really a good thing in the places you're asking about, b/c they actually consider each individual's situation with care. I'll assure you that our S might have done well with admissions in part b/c he came from a rural, noncompetitive hs yet distinguished himself within a dull environment. </p>

<p>Did you perhaps describe your upbringing in the essay? If you did, that's a unique perspective, the combination of minority from another country-of-origin and the rural Midwestern life. You might be bringing a good set of values, coping skills and perspective to a hyped-up campus, wherever you go.</p>

<p>I wish you all the best. I'm sure you'll be happy with April results.</p>

<p>Isn't it awful this waiting??? Our house, too.</p>

<p>that was amazing paying3tuitions, much better than "reach, match etc" i really appreciate it :)</p>

<p>the reason i said my essays were mediocre was because i have never really been an good/amazing writer (i spent time and such on them but words have never been my thing)
umm if its a point worth clarifying my essays were about</p>

<p>common app- growing up in rural ohio where everyone is christian and how almost every volunteer organization growing up is religiously based. the essay focused on my thoughts as a little wee freshman weighing another religion vs. the object of a volunteer activity.</p>

<p>amherst supplemental-i wrote about a conversation/argument my brother (who is very much a mentor to me) and i had when we were staying the night in the hospital with my dying grandmother. it had to do with the prompt about how the view in science makes the world beautiful and my brother and i had a lengthy 2-3 hour conversation about it.</p>

<p>but once again i'd like to reiterate. i come from rural ohio where my writing skills have never really had a chance to 'flourish' (which is partly true but also because i simply prefer numbers and science and other more technical subjects)</p>

<p> balancing those 2 things is why i stated my essays were mediocre. but like you said. with no essays to distinguish myself....i am preparing myself for the worst :(</p>

GPA- 3.6 uw 4.1 weighted
SAT I- 1430/2030 (i bombed writing 700v,730m,610w)
Sat IIs- 720 US History, 680 MathII, 660 Bio
ACT- 32
Class rank- ~20/407
^ I expected Valedictorian status.
I think it's going to be against you because you are "ASIAN"
but I'm on the same boat.
why not try BC?</p>

<p>hah yes indian as in from india.</p>

<p>err i have heard that discrimination against asians things before, i don't know how much i really believe in it. but im a very atypical asian as far as stereotypes go (no perfect scores, state-piano/violin awards etc)</p>

<p>and i actually did apply to bc but from everything i've read and such it just doesnt seem to fit my personality (i plan on visiting it along with bu if i get accepted)</p>

<p>Well, good, it sounds like you used your essays to best advantage, by telling them about yourself, your family, how you think. You have a good "writer's voice" because it comes through as straightforward, honest and clear. Makes me want to keep reading. You share things about yourself and seem "in the moment."
So I'd say for Amherst you did a great job with the essays. Although I didn't see them, I know they want clear communication, not fancy obfuscation or SAT words drawn out-of-a-hat.
Good luck. You'll be an asset no matter who accepts you. And I think you'll get accepted several places. I'm rooting for you. Just wish I had a crystal ball.... Good luck, my friend.</p>