<p>So... what are the stats with people going to Bates College? I dont have my class rank, but my GPA is 3.02 as of last spring, going up a bit this year (3.2 tops though)</p>
<p>My main strength was not GPA/AP stuff, because... well.. frankly the place I am has a horrible AP program where over 85% of students drop out because of poor teaching (No joke, my mom works for the district and I have the numbers saved on my computer)</p>
<p>I did a fairly good job getting that across.. I focused mainly on that I am graduating, not only early, but with 15 hours of college credit and will have 21 hours of credit by the time my peers finish High School. </p>
<p>It isnt that I haven’t worked hard, or dont know the material, just that the basic programs most colleges used arnt the kind-of things that work where I am from.</p>
<p>I tried to focus a lot on my ECs: Working with a film crew to broadcast football games, designing web pages for the school district and teaching administrators to do video editing/web design. I even got an outstanding recommendation from my superintendent. </p>
<p>Im from Arkansas, and also good friends with the only other student from Arkansas at Bates at the moment (who is graduating this year).</p>
<p>So what do you guys think? Sorry this isnt a Score, GPA, basic stat type thing.. but really that isnt the type of thing my school does.</p>
<p>:) Just curious about other people and what they've done/experienced.</p>
<p>The application, all in all, is VERY strong: superb essay, great recommendations, about 250 hours of community service, lots of activity in education including tutoring and disaster relief as well. But I had a VERY non-traditional application: has anyone else been in this boat? how did you fair? </p>
<p>What do you guys think my chances are at other schools like Bates?</p>
<p>Best Wishes,