<p>Hey so just curious about this.
About myself:
Started highschool (grade-wise) slowly.
Although taking all accelerated classes (geometry freshman year, trig sophomore year, advanced biology and honors chemistry), my grades were not straight a's. I had a cumulative 3.4-ish going into 2nd semester sophomore year, in which i had a 3.9. First semester junior year i took 3 APs, and ended with a 4.5 for semester.
Will there be any leniency due to my upward trend, because by purely gpa, i assume i am out of competition. Also, I have upwards of 300 hours of community service, working as a summer intern (tutoring) and leadership experience of sorts.
chem SAT II: 780
sat I: Haven't taken, but practice tests have been around 2150 and rising.
Planning on taking math II and biology at the end of this year.</p>
<p>Senior year will be all AP's</p>
<p>I've played on 2 varsity sports.</p>
<p>These are my reach schools, and am wondering if it's even worth applying.