Chances at CMU, RIT, Maryland, MIT

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.5
Weighted GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>(My freshman year, the GPA was a 2.9, and then a 3.7-3.8 in sophomore and senior years)</p>

<p>Almost all classes honors, no APs until senior year, but AP World and AP Comp Sci A tests were taken Junior year without class. </p>

<p>Concurrently Enrolled at Community College, 4.0 GPA for 3 classes</p>

<p>SATS: </p>

<p>Math: 710
Verbal: 720
Writing: 700</p>

<p>Project Lead the Way, only senior year</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: </p>

<p>Football freshman year, vice-president of Computer Club, vice-president of Chess club, Boy Scout (not eagle) for all 4 years</p>

<p>Major in Electrical and Computer Engineering</p>

<p>Schools Considering: </p>

<p>Webb Institute
Worcester Polytechnic
Carnegie Mellon
Virginia Tech
University of Maryland
Johns Hopkins
Rochester Institute of Technology</p>

<p>Any suggestions on what I can improve? I plan to retake the SATs, and take the SAT 2 in math, if that matters... </p>

<p>Any schools that I should be considering in addition to those?</p>

<p>I don't think that your record is competitive for MIT and Hopkins. You look good for the others though. You seem to have a good selection of schools there. If you want to look at more places, check out Lehigh, Olin, and maybe Northeastern.</p>

<p>Reject: MIT
In at JH+CM if your essays and recs are decent.
In everywhere else.</p>

<p>olin is harder to get into than most ivies trust me.</p>

<li>ppl who apply are greatly serious about engineering</li>
<li>only ppl who know what they're doing and serious knows about Olin college</li>
<li>Olin is so small they aim for a target about 75 applicants, and accept about 110 students a year. this year they had over 1000 apps, next year it's reasonable to assume it will be a great increase (since ppl are still spreading the words)</li>

<p>I'd say Olin is about as hard as MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale. but it's just engineering though.</p>

<p>furthermore, i'm not sure how much olin practices Affirmative if you're black you're probably more well off for MIT</p>

<p>Long Reach: </p>


<p>Reach: </p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon
Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>Match: </p>

<p>Worcester Polytechnic
Rochester Institute of Technology</p>

<p>Safety: </p>

<p>University of Maryland</p>

<p>Does this list seem right? If anyone knows any other good electrical engineering schools that would fit my stats... </p>

<p>Do you think Worcester, RIT, or Carnegie Mellon is the best engineering school? Those are my top 3, and I can't really pick which one. </p>

<p>I'll look into Olin. Aren't they really small or something. </p>

<p>Webb is crazy small, only 80 students...</p>

<p>olin would be in the long reach</p>

<p>I agree that Olin is really competitive, but mentioned it in case he had done something independently that might make them see him as a fit. If you are going on academic record alone, it is as hard as any Ivy. Maybe I was too negative about Hopkins- may be worth applying there.</p>

<p>What about Rensselaer? </p>

<p>I've started to think about a few majors other than Computer Engineering, like Naval Engineering and Nuclear Engineering.</p>