Chances at colleges with 1810 SAT Score

<p>Hey guys,
I am an Indian student planning to apply for Engineering in all of my Colleges. So I Received my SAT score and am very doubtful with my current scores. Here is my resume:</p>

<p>SAT 1
Writing 580</p>

<p>SAT 2

<p>TOEFL-99(Bad I know)</p>

<p>My Academic Profile:
Grade 9 - 78%
Grade 10 - 8.8 CGPA
Grade 11 - 68%
Grade 12 - 83%(Final Score)</p>

<p>My EC's:
1) Community Service 1.
2) Community Service 2.
3) Black belt in karate(Instructor was from japan and so is my certificate).
4) Participation in inter-house Table tennis.
5) Winner of Inter -House Football.
6) 5th rank in International Countries in NCO(National Cyber Olympiad).
7) Top 100 in YEC(Young Entrepreneur Competition) in the whole country, also won a cash prize of 20,000 AED(roughly 5500 USD).</p>

<p>Here is the list of colleges i am applying this november, any suggestions would be helpful.
Chances are wholeheartedly appreciated too :D</p>

<p>1) University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
2) Illinois Institute of Technology.
3) Purdue University.
4) University of Cincinnati.
5) University of Southern California.
5) University of California-San Diego.
6) University of California-Santa Barbara.
7) Pennstate University.</p>

<p>USC Viterbi: High reach
UIUC engineering: High reach
IL Tech: Low match
UCSD: Reach
UCSB: Reach
U Cincinnati: Low match
Penn State: High match</p>

<p>What about Purdue?</p>

<p>can you please chance me? I will be applying in 2 weeks … Any one?</p>

<p>Thanks catria… You made my choices easier… :)</p>

<p>IIT and UCincinatti are matches, Penn state, Purdue and UCSB are reachable reaches, and the others are out of reach but you could apply to one of them “just to see”. Being full pay will help with UIUC and UCSD but not sure it’ll be enough to push you to an admission; you might want to apply for Computer science rather than engineering at both.</p>

<p>Uiuc will reject your application qs you need to score a minimum of 100 in your Toefl inspite the fact you scored 550 in CR of your SAT!</p>

<p>actually u need score of 79 on TOEFL. but if u have less than 103 and university admits you then u need to give their EPT exam on the basis of which you will be given non credit English course or if you pass, normal course load.</p>

<p>So basically UIUC is out then?</p>

<p>no, u still have UIUC just that if you are admitted, you would need to give the EPT. If you dont pass, you would be given non credit english course along with rediced course load and if u pass, normal colllege.</p>

<p>Wait… But it says that I need a minimum of 550 in CR … I have achieved that limit… So then my TOEFL score doesn’t count then?</p>