Chances at Cornell-HILARIOUS JOKE WITHIN!!!

<p>I'm a white, upper middle class male from Illinois. here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.81 (out of 5.3), which puts me in the top 10.5% of my class at a very competitive school. Would be 5.0 out of 5.3 and top 5-6% without freshman year.</p>

<p>old SAT: 710 v, 720 m
new SAT: 750 v, 690 m, 790 w
ACT: 33</p>

Editor of paper 9th and 10th grade
Editor-in-chief 12th grade
Co-head Democrat club
Co-head Latin club (not hispanic club, i mean the Roman language)
Amnesty International (member)
Natl. Honors Society, blah blah blah
Silver medalist Natl. Latin Exam</p>

<p>And, as a bonus for anyone reading these, here's a little joke that I think is funny, but you may not:</p>

<p>Best pickup line ever: Does this smell like chloroform to you?</p>

<p>To anyone who has already seen this joke, I apologize. I've got nothing else.(suggestions welcome for my other chances threads)</p>

<p>I've used that before and it doesn't work.</p>

<p>let's see some SAT II scores now. I think you have a good chance if the II scores are on par with the rest of your app.</p>

<p>No SAT II scores-should i bother taking them?</p>

<p>you can't get into cornell without SAT IIs</p>

<p>to ILR you can, if you submit the ACT</p>

<p>wow! ACT only? If only they provide that for the rest of us! Are you 100% positive? Don't want odyssy to not get in just because he didn't take some tests!</p>

<p>Take them anyway, most of the other applicants will.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> requirements by college.</p>


<p>How many SAT II"s do you need? 2 or 3?</p>