<p>I'm a white, upper middle class male from Illinois. i want to go to northwestern, uchicago, dartmouth, georgetown, penn, brown, or cornell. here are my stats:</p>
<p>GPA: 4.81 (out of 5.3), which puts me in the top 10.5% of my class at a very competitive school. Would be 5.0 out of 5.3 and top 5-6% without freshman year.</p>
<p>old SAT: 710 v, 720 m
new SAT: 750 v, 690 m, 790 w
ACT: 33</p>
Editor of paper 9th and 10th grade
Editor-in-chief 12th grade
Co-head Democrat club
Co-head Latin club (not hispanic club, i mean the Roman language)
Amnesty International (member)
Natl. Honors Society, blah blah blah
Silver medalist Natl. Latin Exam</p>
<p>And, as a bonus for anyone reading these, here's a little joke that I think is funny, but you may not:</p>
<p>Best pickup line ever: Does this smell like chloroform to you?</p>
<p>To anyone who has already seen this joke, I apologize. I've got nothing else.(suggestions welcome for my other chances threads)</p>
<p>Silver medalist Natl. Latin Exam</p>
<p>Not perfect, or gold?</p>
<p>nope. i took it freshman year, too, so its probably not worth a hill of beans. nice space-filler though...</p>
<p>You know whats even more funny than that joke... u posted these jokes on most of the ivy league forums to get your chances hahahahaha</p>
<p>northwestern- Accepted
uchicago- Accepted
dartmouth- Waitlisted
georgetown- Accepted
penn- Rejected
brown- Rejected
cornell- Accepted</p>
<p>I think I may be a little lenient, but all of these schools are pretty hard to get into... definitly apply to some safeties</p>
<p>Honestly, you may get into some of those schools, but I also wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get in any of them. You def. need some safeties and matches. Maybe U of Illinois.</p>
<p>i do have safeties, but since i know ill be getting into them, im not asking for my chances. also, im probably not going to apply to all the schools here--the only school im serious about is uchicago, since ill be applying there EA.</p>
<p>Another note: when people comment on my chances (and not just on my lame joke), they always cite my test scores, but in every chances thread that i have posted, nobody has ever commented on my rank or GPA. im guessing people dont do that because such matters are so subjective, while test scores are readily comparable. However, i think that my GPA is probably my greatest weakness, brought down by a lack of honors classes freshman year. if someone has any knowledge on how my GPA will affect my college admissions, please post it.</p>
<p>it would be nice to get it up that .5%, just to be able to say you're in the top 10%, but I don't think it's a dealbreaker. It's probably easier to bring up the test scores than the GPA by application time, anyways. </p>
<p>Sounds like you've got a good shot. I tell everyone this though: make sure your essays and recs stand out. They've got 300 other applicants with your stats applying, but the essays and recs are unique. It's your chance to tell the adcom exactly why you deserve it...make them want you. I know U of Chicago pays special attention to essays. They say that (and I believe this is a direct quote from the admissions counselor I talked to) "3.8, 1400 gives me no idea who you are. Tell us your story".</p>
<p>threads sure die quickly around here...bump</p>