chances at George Washington

hi everyone!!
I want to apply to GWU ED I

GPA: weighted: 3.49, uw: 3.3 (if you dont count freshman year it is a 3.54 uw and 3.66 w)
ACT: 34 (I am taking it once more and hope to get a 35)
I have strong extracurriculars and write very good essays
I do MUN (heavily), am on a high position on my school’s paper and am in various leadership groups as well

As for my GPA, I have had a rough time battling mental and physical illnesses during my high school career. Freshman year I was at the doctors more than four times a week for various physical problems–ranging from severe migraines (which got worse my junior year) and an eating disorder. My GPA has gotten better every semester, however first semester junior year my doctor suggested I drop a stressful class to deal with my migraines which had been affecting me nearly every day. I chose math and am taking it along with my concurrent math class first semester senior year.

plus I also am on track to have straight As on my first quarter senior year transcript
forgot to add APs and honors taken:
2 APs junior year + 2 semester honor courses second semester junior year
3 APs senior year + one year long honor senior year
200 hours of community service

I also have a consistent upward trend every semester of high school!

I know that GWU really values GPA so I wanted to know if it is even worth a shot. What do you guys think?

I think your essayswill play a role in this. Also recommendations. Are you Full pay, or do you need financial aid? Applying ED does help your chances .