Chances at Madison? Scholarships? Will chance/answer back please help!!

Racial minority junior in an affluent neighborhood in a great school of Northern Illinois

  • Progressed to get into honors classes and AP classes.
    Junior year: all honors classes except for math, and AP French (highest level in my school)
    Senior year: AP Bio, AP AB Calc, AP Literature, and AP Psych (then gym/free period/etc)
  • My cumulative academic GPA is always unweighted at our school and is a 3.54/4.0. My cumulative all subject weighted GPA is 3.87/5.0.
  • 31 ACT


  • Editor on my school’s nationally recognized newspaper (2 years)
  • Student leader in one of those “get-to-know-yourself” retreats sponsored by the school this year (was accepted to be one next year as well) (2 years)
  • Medical Club member
  • After School All Stars member (tutoring kids in less fortunate areas)
  • Tutor for kids in a writing program at my school
  • French Nat’l Honors Society + Nat’l Honors Society


  • Work at a juice bar and now at a frozen yogurt bar
  • After School All Stars’ volunteering counts in my hours, however I plan on volunteering in a hospital soon
  • Played lacrosse fresh/soph year, not anymore.

Can I get admission? Any scholarships?

Apply for the Chancellor’s Scholarship if you qualify.

Note you do not have to be socioeconomically disadvantaged.