<p>Submitted online application Dec 22, transcripts and recs reached about Jan 1...</p>
<p>3.68 gpa
2170 SAT (Math: 650, CR: 740, Wr: 780)
Math IIC - 700
Physics - 720</p>
<p>Major - Mathematics</p>
<p>I was unfortunate enough that my second SAT I scores did not reach in which I scored higher in Math (680)... however overall score was lower, 2130.</p>
<p>I am worried my 'what can you contribute to Michigan diversity' sounded too creative... it was like 'One year from now, you meet me at my dorm and see...' it sounded really good but I don't know how much to the point it was... it's driving me crazy just to think of it...</p>
<p>I have a couple of major standout achievements... I sung at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, House of President of India, came 95th overall in a national competition, won a merit certificate in a major newspaper competition, came 1st in slogan-writing out of 150 students...</p>
<p>I'm a US citizen if that helps (does it at Mich?)</p>