White male, at a nationally ranked private school
Applied EA
95.6 UW
98.6 W (my schools weights, not Northeasterns)
All dual-college/AP/Honors classes through 4 years, taking 3 APs, 1 SUPA, and one dual-credit course senior year)
9th in class ranking
28/29 (Superscore a 31)
Retook in October but sadly will not be able to include them in my EA application
Organized and Raised $15,000+ with school Varsity soccer team towards Making Strides for Breast Cancer Research
HOBY leadership conference Alumni
National Honor Society
Elected high school student senate member 4 years
Youth mentoring program through school - 2 years
Tutoring younger students in my school through National Honor Society
2 year Varsity soccer, 2 year JV, 8 years travel (captain of Travel last 2 years)
4 Years varsity wrestling
1 year Varsity Lacrosse, 2 years JV
High school band
High school jazz band
Church Youth minister
Literature of the Word teacher (church)
RPI EcoEd project (did college-level research project and presented at RPI)
Hundreds of various community service activities
Job and Work Experience:
Summer Work Cleaning at my high school - Summer 2014
Cashier and Produce Stocker at local grocery store - Summer 2015
Cut lawns/mulching with local yard care company - May-September 2016
Your ACT score will make Northeastern a reach. The mid-50% range for enrolled students is 31-34. You may be offered NU In.
I disagree. You’re EC’s and GPA are very high for Northeastern. I think you have a good chance.
@AnxiousHam You are a 16 yo junior according to your posting history and know nothing about Northeastern admissions. They weigh ACT/SAT scores heavily. It is a reach.
Tom, I’m a 16 year old Senior* I have four years of high school., Not exactly sure how age pertains to the credibility of my answer. Would I know more as a 17 year old senior? Would that be better for you?
Granted, I’m not an expert on Northeastern, but I know many who are there now with 30’s on their ACT’s with lower GPA’s. http://www.prepscholar.com/act/s/colleges/Northeastern-University-ACT-scores-GPA
My school uses Naviance, which lets me see the past years acceptance for specific colleges. I’m also applying to Northeastern, and the average acceptance act score for early is 28 in my school while the lowest acceptance for early was actually a 25. Although your ACT’s aren’t amazing, your gpa, ranking and EC’s do make up for it. As of right now, I think you have a decent chance, especially since you applied early. The last factors come down to major, where you live, and who else in your area is applying. (ex. northeastern generally accepts 3-5 kids from my school, but last year, the top 5 kids all applied there as their safetys so the top 20, who could’ve gotten in all were rejected because there were better candidates). Goodluck! Please chance me back!
Northeastern does superscore, so that’ll help. If it makes you feel any better, a friend of mine got in with a 1700 SAT. And I’m not sure, but I think their ACT score ranges are super scored statistics.
Northeastern’s admissions has gotten increasingly competitive over the past decade - Naviance will not be as accurate as for other schools.
That said, Northeastern does superstore the ACT, so your 31 does make it into the middle 50%, but barely. Given your high GPA, which should weight well on NEU’s scale, it would probably be closer to a high match.
Thank you all for the responses 
According to the website, as long as your scores are received by Dec 1 they will be accepted for EA, so you can send your Oct scores when you receive them.
Honestly, EA means nothing in terms of demonstrated interest or for increasing your chances. It’s non-binding and just means you will get a decision earlier. And like someone else said, you should still be able to send them your latest ACT score. They allow you to update your application right up until decision day. Having said that, you are almost certain to get accepted. I have two friends from last year’s class with almost identical scores and a similar # of ECs and they were accepted. Let’s call it 80%.
Thanks for the responses!