Chances at recieving an "Excellence" scholarship?

<p>Out of state from Texas
3.35 Unweighted GPA
166/678 class rank
29 ACT
Eagle Scout
Boy Scouts for over 10 years
4 years varsity wrestling
Captain Senior and Junior years
J.V Football (grades 9 and 10)
Running Club (grades 11 and 12 for about 4 months each year)
Church Youth Group (grades 9-10)
Took all AP and Pre AP classes except for my mathematics courses</p>

<p>Which one is the “excellence scholarship” you are referring to?</p>

<p>I had marginally better stats (32 ACT, 3.85 GPA) and I received 8 K annually.</p>

<p>The Arizona Excellence scholarship for out of state students.</p>

<p>Actually, there’s Excellence for in state and out of state. I’m in state, I have a 4.0 and a 33 on my ACT, and qualified for the highest I can as an AZ resident. I know students with GPAs around 3s and ACT scores around 30 who qualified for the highest in state scholarship. I would assume out of state is awarded similarly. Good luck!</p>