Chances at RISD/MICA/MassArt

<p>I know this isn't technically the right forum, but I figured I could get a better idea from the people who post here rather than the chances forum. ;D</p>

9th Grade: 3.7
10th Grade: 3.7
11th Grade: 3.8
12th Grade: 4.3</p>

<p>AP English Language: 4
AP Calculus (AB): x
AP Psychology: x
AP English Literature: x
AP Studio Art: x</p>

Writing: 670
Math: 670
Reading: 680

<p>Examples of Art:
I'm planning on becoming a graphic design major
(These are all fairly low quality photos uploaded to facebook - I would, obviously send more high quality versions to college. Also, this is just a sampling)
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<p>Attended RISD Pre-College 2008</p>

Participation in 7 Shows (4 Lead Roles)
Treasurer of ITS 11th + 12th Grade
Tennis 10th & 11th Grade
National Honor Society (including tutoring) 11th & 12th Grade
It's Academic! 10th - 12th Grade
Croquet 12th Grade
Chorus 10th Grade
Volunteering at Library</p>

<p>Thanks for any input!</p>

<p>Academically, you should have no problem with these schools. However, for RISD and MICA, you also need a strong portfolio.</p>

<p>Mm, I agree with TaxGuy. You should get into MICA & MassArt. RISD may be a reach.</p>

<p>RISD is definitely a reach.
MICA might be a target.
the last one is the strongest.
all the other pieces aren’t as strong. you might want to go back and redevelop some of them. I would suggest you attend some studio session at a local community college to make a couple more drawings to add to your portfolio for RISD.</p>

<p>Massart may see a rise in applicants this year - due to the economy right now - people in Massachusetts and New England may view it as an opportunity to attend a great school without going broke
As a matter of fact - I heard the president of the college say at a recent event that they are anticipating more applicants this year - so the competition may be greater than ever</p>