Chances at these schools

I am currently a first semester freshman at UNC-Charlotte and am considering transferring. I only came here because I could commute and stay home for a while but I am really not liking the school. My major will be engineering (most likely computer or electrical or a possible double major of the two) and am looking at both NC State and Virginia Tech. I was accepted into Virginia Tech last year for the freshman round but the lack of financial aid forced me to go to UNCC. I really regret the decision now and my parents said that they can help pay for a degree at Virginia Tech. I would have about 32k in loans if I go to VT and none if I go to NC State. Is it worth it? I visited NC State and I didn't really feel that it was the school for me. I haven't visited VT but everyone I talked to said that the campus and college life is phenomenal there. </p>

<p>I am taking 16 credit hours this semester and it is a fairly heavy load. I am expecting about a 3.4-3.6 gpa for the semester and the spring should be a bit better since I won't be taking three classes that I don't like that I am not. Below are the classes I am taking now and the projected grades for this semester and what I plan on taking next semester.</p>

<p>Fall 2011:
Calculus I (3 credits): A
Intro Statistics (3 credits): A
Chemistry (3 credits): B
Chemistry Lab (1 credit): A/B
Honors English (3 credits): B (maybe an A if i get really lucky)
Liberal Studies (3 credits): A</p>

<p>Spring 2012:
Calculus II (3 credits)
Physics I (3 credits)
Physics I Lab (1 credit)
Economics (3 credits)
C++ Programming (3 credits)</p>

<p>So with a gpa of at least 3.5, would I be competitive for either of these schools and their engineering programs? My heart says VT but my head says NC State and I feel that I can make a better case for my transfer essay at VT since I was rejected at NC State last year. </p>

<p>Any advice is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance :)</p>

<p>Before you go to VT and take out all that money in loans, be sure to visit first. You don’t want to end up at another school you’ll be miserable at. </p>

<p>Otherwise, you sound like a good candidate. Good luck!</p>