Chances at top schools!

<p>Hi, let me just start out by saying that I applied SCEA to Harvard, and was accepted!
My friend referred me to this site, so it's my first time posting :) .
Okay, now for my "stats":</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0 UW/ 4.76 W (I didn't include college courses, since I don't know how to include that)
SAT: 800 Verbal, 790 Math, 800 Writing--2390 total
SAT II: 800 Math IIC, 800 US History, 790 Chemistry, 750 Biology
Class rank: 1/280; Private School
AP tests: 5 European History, 5 Chemistry, 5 World History, 5 US History, 5 French Literature, 5 Calculus AB, 5 Calculus BC, 5 Computer Science AB, 5 Biology, 5 English Language, 5 Physics B, 4 Macroecon, 4 Microecon, 4 Music Theory, 4 Psychology, 4 Statistics
Planned AP's: Physics C, US Gov, Comp Gov, English Lit, French Lang </p>

<p>9th grade:
AP Calculus AB
AP Computer Science
Honors Chemistry
French II
PE </p>

<p>10th grade:
AP Calculus BC
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP World History
French III
World English
PE </p>

<p>11th grade:
AP US History
AP European History
AP Economics
Honors English
Honors Physics
Honors French IV </p>

<p>12th grade:
AP Government
AP English
AP Physics
AP French</p>

<p>Courses taken at local community college:
Multivariable Calculus
Linear Algebra
Organic Chemistry I/II
Advanced Biology</p>

National AP Scholar
National Merit Finalist</p>

<p>Siemmens Westinghouse Semi-Finalist
Intel STS Semi-Finalist</p>

<p>Harvard Book Award</p>

<p>Paderewski Medal
Burlingame Music Club Competition 1st Prize
American Beethoven Society’s Young Pianist Competition Finalist
Menuhin-Dowling Piano Competition 1st Prize</p>

<p>Commended in:
U.S. Open Music Competition
Open Russian Competition
MTAC Concerto Competition
CAPMT Bartok Competition
ASO Concerto Competition </p>

UBC Essay Competition Winner
Student French Writers Competition Winner
Published in the Claremont Review Poetry Magazine</p>

President of Chemistry Club- 3 years
President of Biology Club- 1 year
Vice President of Physics Club- 2 years
Vice President of National Honor Society- 1 year
Captain of Debate Team- 3 years</p>

<p>Piano-13 years; numerous competitions (see the award section)
Violin- 7 years
I founded my own string quartet :) we play around for fun and community competitions though
I like to write essays, creative writing, poetry (see award section)
Research in Synthetic Polymers over the last two summers (wrote papers based on the research for Intel and Westinghouse)</p>

<p>These are just the big things that I wanted to mention...I have tons of other minor EC's ;)</p>

<p>Solid Rec's...wonderful interviews, etc.</p>

<p> is the LIST! Please tell me which colleges I can get into:
Harvard (accepted)
Stanford (legacy)
Johns Hopkins
UC Berkeley

<p>If I don't get in anywhere else...It's alright, since my first choice is Harvard. I just want the freedom to choose where I go.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>

<p>im sick of this ****</p>

<p>Uh.. it's called a typo. I fixed it. I'm sorry if you're bitter, and believe this is fake.</p>

<p>chances at a top school? didn't Harvard already evaluate this?</p>

<p>oh, and you forgot to put down that you assisted Richard Feynman in the Manhatten Project and that you received an awesome letter of recomendation from him</p>

<p>...are you serious?</p>

<p>Being accepted EA into Harvard and not into any other of those colleges (esp. UCB/UCLA)? Highly, highly unlikely. Congratulations!</p>

<p>I dunno...I've heard that the ivies sometimes reject you because you already got into a top school, or that they believe you wouldn't go (space being so tight, they wouldn't offer you acceptance). It's happened to my friend, who got into Yale early, and then was rejected by Cornell and waitlisted at Brown last year. I just had my UPenn interview, and the interviewer asked me where I got in, so I had to tell him. Looking at Harvard's matriculation rate, I wouldn't be surprised that they would believe I'll just go to Harvard.</p>

<p>Yeah it sounds stupid hahah, but you never know.</p>

<p>Oh, and to all those who believe my statistics are fake, don't you people have something better to do than to post insulting remarks? Seriously, there's enough hate and jealousy in the world. Get a life.</p>

<p>What most people are wondering, and what I am wondering as well, is why you are bothering to apply to more schools? Do you want to go to Harvard? If so, why keep applying to the other schools? If you don't, do you have a favorite in those schools. I believe that most people here probably think that you are a trophy hunter and are just trying to get into top schools so you can say you got into them. An explanation would probably help the situation.</p>

<p>you would seriously choose ucla or hopkins over harvard?</p>

<p>whats the oint?</p>

<p>Not to be bitter, but ... </p>

<p>Are you just looking for praise or what? Harvard is the best college out there. You should already know the answer to your question.</p>

<p>If you guys had actually <em>condescended</em> to read the whole post before writing the OPer off as trophy/praise seeking or whatever, you would have realized that s/he wants the flexibility of choosing among the schools.</p>

<p>Sure, s/he believes that Harvard's #1 for him/her. But I'm certain anyone would like the sense of security of knowing that their chosen school is 100% right for them. Many people change their minds after visiting other campuses. My friend got into Yale early last year, and ultimately ended up at UPenn.</p>

<p>bob^3 : Maybe the OPer applied to those schools as safeties. Perhaps before the early results for Harvard came out. </p>

<p>Even if you got into a school that is your favorite, you have every right in the world to apply elsewhere (unless that school was binding). </p>

<p>I love how everyone who has responded to this thread hasn't given sincere advice or comments. </p>

<p>Anyway, to the OPer:</p>

<p>Just because you got into Harvard, doesn't guarantee you all the schools on your list, contrary to what the above posters may think. MIT can pick and choose from Westinghouse/Intel STS semifinalists. The same goes Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Some of these top schools are very yield rate-conscious, meaning that they'll take into account how many students your school sends to their college. For example, if you go to a school where the yield rate for Yale is low for Harvard/Yale cross-admits, Yale might be a little wary in accepting you. </p>

<p>Depending upon what school you applied to at UPenn, you'll most likely get in. </p>

<p>I hope you showed legit reasons why you'd like to attend all of those schools in your applications and interviews. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Yale - Much harder than Harvard. Reach
Princeton - This is a very selective school. Match at most.
MIT - Reach is max for everyone.
Stanford (legacy) - Even with legacy, probably a slight reach at most.
Columbia - Match
Cornell - Match
Dartmouth - Match
Upenn - Match
Duke - Match
Johns Hopkins - Match
Brown - Match
UC Berkeley - Slight reach OOS
UCLA - Slight reach OOS</p>


<p>If you expected something different, then hopefully you'll realize that this topic is pointless.</p>

<p>Flippy is ridiculous. UCB and UCLA as slight reaches but Penn, Columbia, Dartmouth, Princeton, Brown, Duke as matches? What a joke!</p>


<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCB/UCLA: Safe Match</p>

<p>Actually slipper, I wasn't serious.</p>

<p>I doubt the OP was too since he got into Harvard EA and is looking at lower end schools. If he really what he describes, then he probably just wants to boost his ego by receiving "Safety" for good schools.</p>

<p>asdfasdfadfdasfasdf post deleted</p>

<p>I agree with masamune. </p>

<p>"If you expected something different, then hopefully you'll realize that this topic is pointless."</p>

<p>Flippy, how is the topic pointless? I'm asking what my chances are, which is what the whole section of the board is dedicated to. What you're saying makes no sense at all. </p>

<p>It's kind of funny. I come on this board and ask what are my chances for my regular decision colleges. All I get is skepticism and accusations.</p>

<p>Why is everyone getting bent out of shape over UCB and UCLA? Yeah, I live in California. Practically everyone who lives in California applies to the UC's. Flippy, you make it sound as if I applied to the UC's AFTER I was accepted to Harvard. This shows how much you know about what you're saying. UC apps were due November 30th. My acceptance came around December 15th.</p>

<p>I guess what people are saying is not "you got into harvard what are you thinking applying elsewhere", rather "couldn't you have narrowed it down a little..."</p>

<p>me thinks i smell a troll. BTW OP- finalist standings for the National Merit Scholarship program aren't sent out until feb. oops..!</p>