Chances at UC Berkeley for CS

The ELC wording is, “ELC students not admitted to any of their campus choices are offered a spot at a UC campus that has space” If Merced doesn’t have space in CS, I suppose they could offer a student admission as undeclared.

So if you’re an intended CS major, then there really is no true safety with the ELC guarantee (unless you’re willing to consider other majors). That’s too bad, although I understand the potential problem with over-enrollment.

The CS and Engineering admit rate for 2022 applicants UC Merced was 91% overall and for the applicant referral pool there was a 97% admit rate. Admit rates for the referral pool can vary from year to year so if there is no spots, then referral applicants are given other major options.
Here is the link: Undergraduate Applicants, Admits, and Enrollments | Center of Institutional Effectiveness


An estimate for the number Cal L&S CS admits for 2023 is given 12mins into this video:

These are not firm numbers. But they’re probably not very far off given they have planned this for so long.

Interesting what will happen to the costs when the pipeline of UGSIs shrinks in the next few years. I guess they are also hoping that they will need a smaller # of UGSIs at that point, and lower costs even if they end up having to waive tuition for those kids.

Here is a more recent video discussing some scenarios for moving forward. 2023 EECS/Data Course Staffing Scenarios - YouTube

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Indeed it is. Closing thread. He (who should avoid posting his real name) needs to ask his own questions under his own account registered under his own email address. @aspireing21 failed the criteria and has been closed.

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