Chances at UC?

Sorry if this kind of thread is annoying or anything but I’m wondering about my chances at the UCs and would like some feedback.

Sort of competitive NY high school
GPA 94% unweighted (no 4.0 or weighted scale)
Course rigor - somewhat challenging, 3 APs junior year, 3 APs senior year, mostly honors otherwise
School doesn’t rank

SAT 1560 (770 English 790 Math)
ACT 35 (36E 34M 36R 35S)
SAT Subject Tests - 750 Math 2, 730 Physics
AP Calc AB 5
AP English Language and Composition 4
AP Computer Science A 4

ECs (what I’m mostly worried about)
VP of Chess Club
Computer science club, competed in a coding competition
Piano (10 years, high performance at competitions)
no work or volunteering
National Merit Commended, AP Scholar

Essays will probably be meh because I haven’t started them yet

I intend to major in Computer Science.

Again, sorry if there’s something wrong with this post, my excuse is that I’m new here.

  1. UC’s offer little to no financial aid to OOS applicants, so can you and your family afford $65K/year to attend?

  2. UC’s have their own GPA calculation so even if your HS does not have a weighted GPA, the UC’s do weight AP/IB or DE courses taken 10-11th grades. UC’s do not recognize OOS Honors courses for the extra weighting.

Here is the UC GPA calculator and they will look at your UW UC GPA, Capped Weighted UC GPA and Fully Weighted UC GPA.

You have excellent SAT and ACT test scores. Your Subject test scores are within range. EC’s are a bit lacking but UC’s consider EC’s Important but GPA/Test scores/HS course Rigor and Essays are Very Important.

UCLA and UCB should be considered Reach schools regardless of your academic qualifications due to the low acceptance rate especially for CS.

For the other UC’s, I think you have a good chance. Best of luck.