Chance me at UCs?(UCI, UCSB, UCD, preferably)

GPA UW: 3.41
GPA Weighted: 3.8
UC GPA: 3.9
ACT: 33
SAT II: Math: 780 Chem: predicting around 750
APs: Comp Sci, Chem, Language Arts and Comp, Physics C, Literature, Calc BC

Work Experience: None

-Piano for 10+ years
Participated in local recitals
Guild 5-Year Award
Theory level 8

-Competitive Chess
won multiple local tournaments
high rating (Class A player)

-DECA (2years)
-Christian Club Officer (2years)
-Church VBS Leader
-Cross Country(1year)
-Tennis (1 year)
-Michigan Math and Sciences Summer Camp (Field biologist cluster)
-Chess teacher volunteer at local library (2years)
-math enrichment summer camp volunteer tutor

With my ECs being a bit sparce and my gpa being low, do I still have a chance at possibly UCI, UCSB, UCD? I’ve had an overall upward trend in GPA and I’ve taken rigorous course loads over my last 3 years.

Intended major? Your intended major will have a large impact on your chances if the major is highly competitive. UC’s are very GPA focused and having an upward grade trend will definitely help. Your ACT score is very competitive. Make sure you spend time on your personal insight essays and make them shine.

Depending upon major, UCD/UCSB and UCI could be Match-High Match schools for you.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

OP, what is your home state? You mention Michigan in one of your ECs. If you’re OOS then the UCs are going to be expensive and they won’t give you much financial aid.

OOS tuition/room/board etc… will be around $60K/year with little no financial aid available as stated by @Hamurtle. Make sure this is affordable. If in-state, then you have the advantage.

Stellar ECs and essays may get you into your target schools but, you are a more likely admit for UCR, UCM.
Good luck