Chances at UCI?

<p>Second bacc. applicant, permanent US resident status (Filipino male)</p>

<p>In the Philippines our grading system is 1-5 (1 being the highest), current GPA is 1.56, equivalent grade in US 4.0 scale is 3.15; I'm currently enrolled at the top state university.</p>

<p>Intended major: Biomedical Engineering, alternate major Physics.</p>

<p>Didn't take SAT and ACT, not required for second bacc. applicants.</p>

<p>Essays are pretty good. Talked about my love for science despite my being a comm major, plus my science tutoring experience and how it made me realize I want to pursue a second bacc. degree for the first prompt. Talked about being away from my family for 19 years and finally being with them last month for the second prompt.</p>

<p>Awards of excellence in science, math and history, class salutatorian (HS).
Vice president of my high school class, still active in alumni relations.
EIC of school paper (HS)
EIC of yearbook (HS)
Varsity badminton for two years (HS)
Drummer for my university's Pep Squad for two years, serving as secretary of the drummers too.
Church youth group member (HS)
Volunteered for news monitoring and voter education projects in the 2007 national elections here
Volunteer instructor of Science and English review classes for high school seniors about to take entrance exams for colleges.</p>

<p>Recently got an invitation to the local chapter of an international honor society, but wasn't able to include this in the app.</p>

<p>I'd really like to pursue a second bacc. degree, but if I don't get accepted at UCI I'll probably enroll in a CC first then apply again.</p>

<p>Why not just go to grad school? The UCs are so overcrowded right now, chances for any student seeking a second bachelors will be slim. I don’t think going to a CC will help, you’ll still be seeking the same thing in 2 years. Yo would also have to be prepared to pay every cent, there is no aid for second bachelors. If you’re not a CA resident, that would be $50K/yr at UCI.</p>

<p>That’s another option, but my undergrad major (comm) differs greatly from my intended major if ever I’ll go to grad school (biomedical engineering), so I lack the training for it. Another option for me is to take classes I need via Access UCI open enrollment, and apply for grad school after finishing all the courses required for grad school.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>