Chances at UCs

<p>So I'm basically thinking of retaking the SATs but then, 4 times? I'm SO done with it... -______- Anyway, from past seniors in my school, IB kids with lower SATs got into UCLA, so I have that in mind.</p>


<li>GPA: 3.5 UW/3.96 W</li>
<li>SAT:1st (2020) CR = 670 Math = 720 Writing = 640
2nd (1960) CR = 570 Math 760 Writing = 630
3rd (2090) CR = 610 Math 770 Writing = 710</li>
<li>SAT II: USH = 710,
Math IIC = (1st) 700, (2nd) 760, taking it again this weekend,
shooting for an 800<br></li>
<li>Class Rank: 34/569</li>
<li>AP: Calc AB - 4, Calc BC (AB subscore) - 5, US History - 4, Bio - 3</li>
<li>IB: Bio - 4</li>
<li>Senior in suburban public school in CA</li>
<li>Class Load: IB, 'nuff said</li>
<li>Took a total of 4 classes at the local community college over 2 summers:
Intro to Phil: B
Intro to Sociology: B
Into to Psychology: A
Philosophy - Logic: A</li>

<p>Senior year Schedule:</p>

<li>AP English</li>
<li>Theory of Knowledge (IB Phil. class)</li>
<li>IB 20th century world history (HL)</li>
<li>IB Math (HL)</li>
<li>IB Spanish (SL)</li>
<li>IB Physics (HL)</li>

<p>ECs (I don't know which ECs to put. I'm undecided on whether to put officer positions over club membership. basically 2 years club membership vs. 4 years):</p>

<li>Envirosci (recycling/environmental club) VP (12th), head of recycling (11th), been in the club for 4 years</li>
<li>NHS 2 years</li>
<li>CSF 4 years</li>
<li>Photo club secretary (12th), been in it 2 years</li>
<li>IBA senior representative (12th), been in the club 4 years</li>
<li>Yearbook secretary and editor (12th), staff writer (11th) - total of 2 years</li>

<p>Volunteer (I'll add more if you want more info...)
- TA for 2 summers</p>

<p>Honors/Awards (I'll add more if you want more info...)</p>

<li>NHS (heard you can put it down as an award if you're accepted in the club)</li>

<p>Majoring in Bio??? (biochem in some schools and biophysics in UCLA)</p>

<p>The Schools:</p>

<p>UCLA (dream school, basically i'll shoot myself if I don't make it in... LOL :/ )
UC Irvine
UC Riverside</p>

<p>lol im not sure how colleges look at just retaking tests over and over for a chance to higher it</p>

<p>come on you guys, critique me! :D</p>

<p>I just put NHS as a club. It should be ok that you took the SAT's 3 times, not a big deal. Your scores are pretty high, only your GPA is a little low but it shouldn't matter as much. Good luck, I'm shooting for practically the sanme schools as you (: Don't shoot yourself if you don't get it, there are other options!</p>

UCLA (in between)</p>

San Diego



<p>UCB/UCLA: Slight Reach
UCSD: Match
UCI: Safe Match
UCR: Safety</p>

<p>the odds at irvine and sd should not be the same. irvine has a gpa for the average admit of approx .2 lower than ucsd. irvines average sat is also over 100 points lower for the average admit than ucsd. im not sure how vgurl008 would list them as equivalents. strange. the posters stats are far far above irvines average admit.</p>

<p>Berkeley/UCLA: Slight Reach
UCSD: Match
UCI/UCSB/UCD: Safe Match
UCSC/UCR/UCD: Safety</p>