Chances at USF, UCF, UNLV and UMass

<p>I graduated high school with a 2.79 GPA and 1730 SAT score in 2008, and I then ended up with a 3.6 GPA after one semester at a fairly competitive university (average HS GPA at university is 3.16). I completed one semester at this university, did not like it, and then decided I would take second semester off and begin filling out applications for the Fall 09' semester. I am applying to USF, UCF, UNLV and UMass (I am a Massachusetts resident). </p>

<p>My question is, what are my chances of being accepted to these schools? My grades have been significantly increasing over the years and I have worked the same job for just over three years. I will be majoring in Hospitality/Tourism, and I will even be a certified bartender, which means I will have already had experience in the restaurant field. Other than that, I have not engaged in any serious extraciricculars. If you do not believe that any of these schools are reasonable targets, what other schools would you suggest for Hospitality/Tourism (more specifically restaurant management)?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance,

<p>A lot of people I know got into UCF and USF, some with below 3.0 unweighted GPAs. </p>

<p>I think you have a chance to get into one of those schools, but then again, everyone I know that got in is a Florida resident lol.</p>

<p>Well, at this point, I really want to attend UNLV. Are there any other southern schools you would reccomend applying to where my chances would be better? I'm hoping I still have a shot at UCF and USF, though.</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot at UNLV. Perhaps you might consider UN-Reno just in case? Reno's got a its fair share of hotels/casinos/etc., albeit on a way smaller scale than Vegas. You might also want to check out Cal States. Off the top of my head, I know Cal Poly Pomona has a School of Hospitality Management. Maybe CSU Fullerton has such programs since it is located right near Disneyland and a number of theme parks/resorts.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply, would you still reccomend shooting for USF and UCF as reach schools?</p>

<p>Trust me, you're definitely in at UNLV. Their Hospitality/Tourism program is great! Good luck!</p>

<p>I honestly have no clue whatsoever about admissions for USF/UCF, but I do agree with dubb, you should get in easily to UNLV.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the input guys, it has been very helpful.</p>

<p>I don't think UCF or USF should be reach schools, or if they are reach for you, they are within reach. For everyone I know, UCF was a safety, and like I said, a few of those people have less than stellar GPA's. If you're interested in Florida, I know a few other good schools you might like. What do you want to study?</p>

<p>I'm looking to study hospitality/tourism; more specifically, restaurant management.</p>