Chances at UT Austin-McCombs

<p>Hello CC! I was looking for some insight/advice for my chances at McCombs (Duh. Lol sorry to be repetitious.) </p>

<p>Here are the stats:
SAT I: 1350 (M: 620 + CR: 730)
AP's (The ones I did decently on) USH: 4, Eng. Lang&Comp: 4
Ranked 3/314 (Top<1%) UW GPA: 3.96 Weighted: 4.52</p>

National Honor Society: 10-12 (VP 11-12)
Varsity Football: 10-11, Captain
Planning on having about 200 hours worth of volunteering.</p>

<p>Thank you all in advance!</p>

<p>I think you have a really good chance at getting in.
For last year the average SAT score was 1352 and rank was 5.7%</p>

Of course, that’s just numbers. I know people who got in with a lower SAT and rank, but another person with a higher SAT and rank got denied. </p>

<p>So make sure you write some kick ass essays.</p>