<p>Wharton is one of the best finance schools in the world. I want to get into sustainable investing. My stats aren't impressive relative to other applicants (I believe). Could you please chance me? </p>
<p>SAT: 2230
I have taken 6 AP courses and i am from a reputable high school.
4 years of football and three years of track. Other then that, no other extra curriculars besides a field trip to the NY stock exchange.</p>
<p>Am I dreaming?</p>
<p>Other schools I am applying to are NYU, UMICH, BC, and Northeastern</p>
<p>Yeah i know that this is going to kill me! but i was pretty focused on football i made all conference my senior year. Penn is D1 and im not sure if i want to continue football in college.</p>
<p>Thanks guys I appreciate your feedback. Football was almost a year around commitment. Before and after school lifting during the offseason. I did track so was an exemption for lifting requirements. I can do some community service but joing groups this late would look unfavorable. Thanks again for the responses though!</p>
<p>You have a really great shot, I believe. Your GPA is good and you have a stellar SAT score (way above average for Wharton).</p>
<p>But I think b-schools like Wharton expect you to be some sort of demonstrated leader, so perhaps you could take a gap year and take up some sort of activity that would show this? I’d advise you to apply this year and if you get rejected and you’re still set on attending Wharton, take a gap year and do some EC activity that would demonstrate leadership and apply again.</p>
<p>If for anything else, it would help your chances at other elite schools.</p>
<p>Also, what was your Math SAT score? That matters alot at schools like this one.</p>
<p>Hey man, I’m coming from the same situation. I’ve got a 3.8 unweighted also, AND i scored a 2200 on SAT, so we’re pretty similar in our academic achievement. Unlike you, I will have only taken 4 AP courses by the time i graduate (circumstantial because my school wont let you take weighted classes Soph year and also wont allow AP’s until Junior year. We also have a 6 period a day cap due to budget stuff). Anyhow, we happen to be the best public school in CA, so it really does matter how well you challenged yourself to the curriculum your school provides/offers. </p>
<p>By the time I graduate, I would have played 4 varsity soccer seasons, 2 varsity track seasons, and 2 varsity cross country seasons. I also made it up to national camp in Florida for soccer, so hopefully what people say about Wharton liking sports is true. However, i think it can be all grouped into the “dedication to a particular thing” and showing consistent leadership with it. I understand how hard it is, and how TIME SUCKING sports are when you’re good at them haha. Don’t worry too much, and just look towards the future. Still get involved in community service though. </p>
<p>All in all, be confident in yourself. It really is a crapshoot, and it’s hard to find many people who’ve taken something like 8+ Ap’s who can “catch a football.” Sports teaches you discipline, teamwork, and how to trust others (among MANY more things). These traits are nothing but favorable, so strut your stuff and keep at it. Don’t dream, because you will only get in when you accept that it is possible =) it’s like those half time pep talks man</p>