<p>I'm a rising senior who is looking for a small liberal arts school (with snow!). I'm especially looking at schools which are strong in the sciences and in classics. </p>
- Strong public high school
- 4.0
- 5 years of Latin, took Latin III and Latin IV sophomore year and AP Latin V as a junior
- AP Physics, AP Biology
- AP American Lit and AP World Lit
- AP Economics
- AP European History and AP U.S. History
- AP Calculus BC
- Latin Student of the Year and AP Euro Student of the Year
- Gold medals on National Latin Exam</p>
<p>Standardized Tests:
- 800 on SAT II Literature and taking Math and Latin in fall
- 35 on ACT - 36 in English, 36 Science, 35 Reading, 34 Math, 35 Writing
- National Merit (don't know if I'm a finalist until fall)</p>
- French Horn for 10 years
- Principle horn player and soloist at All-State Orchestra
- Selected for next year's All-State Band
- Principle horn player in high school's band and orchestra
- Mellophone section leader for marching band
- Editor-in-chief for school paper
- Latin tutor
- Physics tutor
- Bagpipes for four years
- 300 volunteer hours at local library
- Best in Site on french horn for district competition
- Attending the MIT Women in Science and Engineering program this summer
- Reporter and on manufacturing subteam for robotics team (attended Nationals for two years) Also was the mascot and juggled in a costume</p>
<p>I really love both Carleton and Williams, but is it worth it to pick one early decision? Are there any strong reasons for selecting one over the other? (I can't find many, but maybe someone else knows more than I do) Will being a strong horn player improve my chances at Williams, and will no sports experience hurt? Also, are there any other schools with strong Latin and science programs that I would have a good chance at? (Preferably with a decent music program)</p>
<p>You have a great chance at both and probably don't need to ED. If you can decide which you prefer, EDing is great in that you get the torture over with early. I'd personally go for Williams, it seems to me the people are more interesting, who wants to go to school in Minnesota?</p>
<p>I believe you should visit both Williams and Carleton. I have spent time at both, and I can safely say they feel very different. Carleton is in a real, live town, and Williams is truly rural. Both are filled with interesting people. Living on the west coast, I can tell you that the northwest corner of Massachusetts feels very much like southern Minnesota. Only YOU know what is best for you.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for replying! I'm just worried about getting into Williams if I don't go Early Decision because I'm not an athlete or really fulfill any niche. I think that playing horn and bagpipes might help, but they may not need a horn player next year.</p>
<p>0, Williams values music ECs and yours are especially good. Don't give your lack of being an athlete another thought. It's not an issue.</p>
<p>As far as applying ED, it's a very personal decision and you want to be sure that you are applying to the school that you want most to attend as opposed to applying ED because you think it will help you get in. It will, but that shouldn't be the key motivating factor.</p>
<p>I don't know much at Carleton (other than that it's an excellent school) so I can't compare Williams to Carleton.</p>
<p>D and I toured both Carleton and Williams. When evaluating her reaches, she ultimately decided not to apply to Williams (and is now attending Carleton). While she thought it was an outstanding college (the academic offerings are amazing), she just liked her other reaches better/felt like she would fit in better elsewhere. It's a tough choice that I don't think I could make without visiting both.</p>