Chances chances chances!!!!

<p>Could anybody tell me my chances of getting in at the following schools? I am shooting for electrical engineering. Thanks guys. </p>

<p>Cornell Un. (major reach might not be possible who knows right?)
University of Michigan- Ann Harbor
University of Southern California
University of Texas at Austin(i currently live in austin)
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Purdue University</p>

<p>these are my stats:
SAT1: math 710, verbal 630
Awards:National Merit Commended Scholar, science bowl varsity team 5th place in state, around 5 other awards
class rank: 51 out of 430(i know, really bad! but better than 140 -thats what I started out with 1st year)
top 10% for soph. and jun. years
gpa(weighted): 3.806
ECs: average- National Honor Society, Math Club, Comp Club network administrator(currently designing school's website), etc...
community service- around 60 hours
currently working 6 hrs a week
IB diploma in Calculus BC and English 4
took precal in sophomore year, and have takest hardest possible curriculum at my school with exception of IB diploma
scored 4 on ap english, 3 on us history
I toot act recently, sure I got a 31 or 32</p>

<p>Also, I have increased my gpa from a 3.2 to a 3.8 in only two years, and not including my freshman gpa i would have a 4.1 - I hear this is good for schools like ann harbor which don't calculate freshman grades. Also I have solid essays. Thanks</p>

<p>Also, I just figured out that ut austin, michigan, purdue, and gatech are rolling admissions. If I apply tommorrow do I still have a chance? Somebody please help.</p>

<p>bumpy bumpy bump</p>


<p>are you sure that UT is rolling, i'm scared now! I haven't applied yet</p>

<p>that is what someone told me</p>

<p>bump, guys, i need help seriously please anything i would appreciate it</p>

<p>did u take SAT II's?</p>

<p>yeah, did average on them</p>

<p>i don't know about the other schools, but i think you have a good shot at UT and USC, Cornell might be a reach, whats your unweighed gpa and how average are you SAT II's?</p>

<p>don't know uw gpa, sats around 50th percentile</p>


<p>can anyone please reply to my first message</p>

<p>bump, cmon guys please</p>

<p>can anybody rate my chances, isn't this forum suppose to help?</p>

<p>im dying here guys</p>