Chances for a boarding school student with underwhelming stats

<p>Chances Please:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.32 UW, but attend a top boarding school
ACT: 31
Recs: Amazing
Essays: Slightly above average
EC's: Model UN, Young Entrepreneurs Club, Ceramics, Working for a caterer during the school year (25 hours a week)
Volunteering: 500 hours at an organic farm, 30 hours at a soup kitchen, 20 hours for Habitat for Humanity
Athletics: Football - 3 Seasons, (captain of JV team sophomore year before being pulled up to Varsity), Crew (1 season), Track (2 seasons), Mountain Biking (1 Season)</p>

<p>Summer '07: Worked 40 Hours a week and went to Spain for 3 weeks</p>

<p>Senior Schedule: (My school limits students to 2 AP's and everyone takes the english AP exam) w/ grades for 1st quarter
Ceramics - A
AP Euro - B+
Detroit Literature / Self Portraits - A
Economics / Existentialism - A
AP Calc AB - B+
Physics I - A-</p>


<p>Michigan State (already accepted in honors program)
University of Michigan (deffered to regular decision)
Brown (applied early decision)
Cornell (Hotel School and AEM)</p>

<p>You have a really good ACT score and good ecs but some of these schools are very difficult to get into. One very good school I would add that might be a good fit gradewise would be Franklin & Marshall in Pa. I think you would have good chance at that school. Best of luck!</p>