Chances for a Communications Major

<p>This is my first post! :)
I'm a Junior now, and I will be applying during the end of this year~next year.
I would be really thankful if you guys evaluated my chances for some of my
school choices.</p>

<p><a href="major%20:%20Communications">Schools</a>
Washington University in Saint Louis
Northwestern University
University of Pennsylvenia
University of Michigan(Ann Arbor)
Cornell University
Stanford University

<p>Princeton - Woodrow Wilson School</p>

SAT - V 700 M 780 W 740
(Took 2 times, from 2020 to 2220)
ACT - 33
Biology 720 Math 770 Literature 730 Japanese 680
(may retake)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.95ish/4.0 unweighted
Percentage: 7% out of 280</p>

Micro Economics: 5
Macro Economics: 5
English Language: 4
English Literature: 5
Psychology: 5
Biology: 4
US History: 4
US Government: 3
Spanish: 2</p>

<p>CBT TOEFL: 297
(because I'm International)</p>

Broadcast Network Internship (1 month)
Red Cross Volunteer (6 months)--also donated blood several times
Local Newspaper Internship (2 weeks)
Tutoring Job(2 months)
Tour Guide(2 weeks)
Yale MUN
Princeton Model Congress
Book Translation
Newspaper Junior Reporter
Habitat for Humanity
Book Publishing
Leader of Crafts Club(3 years)
Leader of Book Club(2 years)
Choir(3 years)--I play the piano
Played Piano in Charity Concerts(3 years)
Church President(3 years)
Captain of Debate Team(2 years)</p>

2 National Level (English) Speech Contest Awards: 1st Prize & 2nd Prize
3 National Level (English) Essay Contest: 1st Prize/1st Prize/1st Prize
Local Essay Contest: 1st Prize
1 National Youth Volunteer Award
2 Awards as a Reporter in a (English) Newspaper
4 Awards in English Performance(It's a test) Contest
AP Scholar with Honor
AP Scholar with Distinction
1 Art Book Award</p>

Will be strong and unique.
I won various essay contests, I enjoy writing, and I will have 3~4 months
to work on the essays.
My teacher will also edit my essays for me.</p>

One outstanding one from my English teacher
One from my math teacher(nothing special)
One from my counselor(I don't know how she'll write it...)</p>

<p>*Father graduated UCLA
*Grandfather, Cousin graduated U Michigan
*2 cousins attend Cornell, 1 already graduated there
*Brother attends WUSTL</p>

<p>I'm planning to major Communications too!
U michigan: match
UCLA: match/safety
WUSTL: match
Northwestern: match/slight reach
Stanford: reach
Cornell: match/slight reach
U Penn: match
Princeton: reach</p>

<p>pgcookie is right, you'll get into UCLA just fine, but most of the Ivy League is a reach.</p>

<p>I think he/she'll has a good chance in Cornell and U Penn though.
Princeton, Stanford...not so much</p>

<p>You have a good chance at Cornell, U Penn, WUSTL You're fine at Michigan, Northwestern, and UCLA. Slight reaches at Stanford and Princeton.</p>

<p>Just curious, at WUSTL, do you know how you're going to be studying Communications? As in what classes to combine? I'm waiting on my WUSTL decision and I hope to make my own Communication degree (that don't offer one on their own) and am just curious what other people are thinking. </p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>Syracuse is also worth looking into, their communications school is one of the best in the country.</p>

<p>On top of Syracuse, I would also add BU. What area of communications do you want to go into?</p>

<p>Yeah, I should put Syracuse and BU in my list.
And, I don't know much about WUSTL. I just know that they offer
Communications major there.
and I don't know what I'm going to do--specifically.
There's so many things that I'd like to do. PR(in relation to politics), Journalism, Advertizing....etc.
but I'm definitely sure that Communications is what I want to do.</p>

<p>What should I do to increase my chances at Stanford and Princeton??</p>

<p>Perhaps you are not aware. Northwestern is so deep in the area that journalism and communication studies are separate fields and offered in two different schools (school of journalism and school of communication). The communication school also has "communication science and disorder". All departments in both schools are among the best and if communication is what you want, NU can be a better choice than even Stanford and Princeton.</p>

<p>I've heard about that too! Northwestern is definitely a top choice for a Communications major! Northwestern is ranked at the top, and in some rankings are ranked higher than Cornell or Brown.</p>

<p>So, what would be my chances for NU?
How do I improve my chances? I got a whole year to prepare</p>

<p>Your stats look good for Northwestern! Do you want to do Journalism or Communications? They have a bunch of types of Journalism in their Journalism school (Newspaper, PR, Broadcast, Magazine, etc) but it's MUCH harder to get in their Journalism school than their Communications school. But for both areas, Northwestern is considered the best (better than the ivy's). I talked to a couple of people at different newspapers when I was considering majoring in journalism and they told me that if they get applicants for internships from Northwestern they will look at them seriously. They said they considered it the best school for Communications/Journalism. If you are looking at UCLA you should look at USC too, they have a better communications program. Still, out of your choices, Northwestern is the best and you have a good shot of getting in.</p>

<p>Besides Northwestern, Syracuse and Ohio University-Scripps are well ranked, and in some cases have better journalism programs than Northwestern. Look at all of these schools and decide which one is best for you.</p>


<p>UCLA: Match (out of state)</p>