Chances for a NYC student

Asian Male (Low income , has faced serious life obstacles)
High School: Top Public (top 20 in the nation)
High School GPA: 92 (My aunt has cancer which brought it down one term)
Notable Classes Taken:
Honors Chemistry, Honors Algebra/Trigonometry, Biology Projects , Honors Junior English, Honors Physics, Biology Projects, A.P English Language and Composition, A.P Microeconomics, A.P Calculus AB, Linear Algebra/Differential Equations, A.P Chemistry, Biology Projects, Principles of Macroeconomics at a Local College</p>

<p>WIll end up with an 88 avg for this term due to crazy ass schedule </p>

<p>Activities/ Awards</p>

-Pre-Medical Scoiety (9,10,11,12)
-Chess/Go Club (10,12)
-Key Club - Head of Projects Committee (11,12)
-American Cancer Society (12)</p>

<p>Out of School Activities
-Dental Internship (9,10,11,12 ~8 hrs/week)
-Science Research (11, summer, 12 ~6hrs/week)
-S-PREP at Columbia Medical School (12)
-College Now Program-Took macroeconomics at local college(12-Fall Semester)</p>

Job at Hospital (summer before 11 ~25 hrs/week)
Job at Community Center (summer before 12 ~25 hrs/week)</p>

2007 Distinguished Key Clubber
2007 Questbridge Finalist
2007 Biology Journal-Had a crossword puzzle published</p>

<p>Test Scores</p>

English - 26
Math -32
Reading - 35
Science- 30
Writing - 10
Composite - 31</p>

<p>SAT 2 Biology M - 710
SAT 2 Math IIC - 660</p>

<p>please answer.</p>

<p>You have to allow more than an hour for people to answer. Afterall, you can't expect many people to be on from 11p.m.-12a.m. let alone after you "chance me" thread. Now onto the "chance" potion of this post. What makes this difficult is the fact that either you forgot to post your rank or that your school doesn't rank. Another point to add is the fact that I don't know how great (or poorly) your average is in comparison to the valedictorian. From what I gather from the information provided, you have no community service, which could hurt you when applying to Boston College, since the school is a community first kind of school and emphasizes the need to help the community. Although I realize that you have key club on your resume, the number of hours devoted to service is not present. Your SAT 2 grades are somewhat low compared to other applicants, and your ACT score of 31 would place you slightly above average in the rd pool. Now depending on how much the illness to your aunt brought down your average, I'd say that you have a decent shot at making it in, but there is no guarantee. I'd say you have a 50/50 chance of making it.</p>

<p>i say a decent chance, but it might be a reach</p>

<p>-Our school doesn't rank.
-The only part of the year when I would have had time to volunteer would have been n the summer, but I had to work both summers.
-The valedictorian has a 97.
-The accepted average from our school is 92 ish. (76 applied, 29 got in). For those with avg's above a 90 and scores of above 2100/31, most people get in.</p>

<p>did you honestly have to work over the summer? couldn't you at least set aside part of your time during the summer doing community service?</p>

<p>I honestly had to work due to financial constraints. My job took up most of my time. Whatever little time I had left I did biomedical research. The places that would have been flexible towards my schedule were already filled up. Other hospitals and organizations offered me a spot (this was in april/may) but I would have had to volunteer during the school year which is pretty much impossible since I live about 1.5-2 hours away from my school. I leave at 6:30 a.m and get home at 5:30 p.m ish (7:00 when I have school activities).</p>

<p>well if u have an average chance, and BC still has to go through 30k apps</p>

<p>it will be a reach for u, but i say that if u have great essays, then u will be able to make it</p>

<p>My essay was pretty good from what I have heard.</p>