Chances for a transfer?

<p>I had a 3.8 unweighted in high school and a 4.2 weighted, and I am currently in my freshman year at SDSU with 3.0-3.2(tentative) and want to apply to the communications or business school at U of A (I can’t decide, and whichever I don’t choose I want as my minor). Also, the reason for my low college gpa is one class that has absolutely nothing to do with either of these majors, what are my chances to get into either program?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>A 3.0 around here is considered very good, so I’d say probably you’ll get the transfer.</p>

<p>It’s easy to get into U of A if you’re a California resident because they want the out-of-state tuition. They may even give you a small scholarship or other incentive, such as a computer, to go there. You have to complete the prerequisite courses for business with a certain GPA to get into the business school, so you don’t actually get admitted to the business school right away. You have to complete the prerequisite courses and be interviewed before you can get accepted to the business program. I don’t know about communication. Out of curiosity, may I ask why you want to transfer from SDSU to U of A? I am curious because my daughter is considering the opposite move.</p>