chances for a upward trender..

<p>Cypriot Male
Top 10 most competitive private schools in New Jersey
Sends many grads to top colleges
SAT: 550 CR 680 M 630 W---1860 (took in oct again..waiting for scores)
ACT: 29- 1300- 1950
SAT II's: 700 math I, 650 math II
GPA: 89 (NOTE: from my cannot go by the national rankings for accepted students...many kids with B+/A- gpa's in my school get into NYU.</p>

<p>Freshman Year: GPA- 86</p>

<p>Honors Bio- 82
English 9- 87
Geometry- 88
Art Principles- 83
Honors Spanish II- 87
World Cultures- 86</p>

<p>Sophomore Year: (left the school for 1 month..sufferred from severe OCD) Gpa-87</p>

<p>Honors Chem- 74 (wouldnt let me make up anything)
Spanish III Advanced- 87
Algebra II- 88
Honors English 10- 87
Printmaking and Ceramics- 94
Honors US History- 88 </p>

<p>Junior Year: (where it happened) GPA: round 94,95</p>

<p>AP Bio- 92
AP English Language: 87
AP European History- 88
Honors Precalculus- 95
Honors Spanish IV- 92</p>

<p>Senior Year: </p>

<p>AP Economics Macro
AP Economics Micro
AP English Literature
AP Calculus AB
AP Spanish V
Honors Anatomy and Physiology</p>

<p>EC's: </p>

<p>2nd place AMC math competition
Captain of the Chess Team
Varsity Tennis and Varsity Squash
Model United Nations
Model Congress
Habitat for Humanity
Copy Editor of the School Newspaper
Vice President of GOYA : Greek Orthodox Youth Association
Treasurer of the SONS OF PERICLES: Greek Organization that fosters Hellenism
Leader of Church Acolytes/Altar Boys
Math League
Science League
Best Actor for a Greek Production
State Ranked Table Tennis player
Nationally ranked Backgammon player</p>


<p>bump again.</p>

<p>128 views and still no one...come on guys</p>

<p>hm for AP classes and honors do you guys get percentage added? I don't know much but I'd say its a huge reach for stern, with those SATs its gonna be a reach for CAS too. Then again what do I know, I'm applying to NYU too :)</p>

<p>i'd say gsp</p>

<p>being Greek myself, I wonder how one becomes nationally ranked in a game that relies almost solely on chance... (backgammon)</p>