Chances for admission? ( Freshman Class of 2012)

<p>I'm an out-of-state student from Virginia who will be applying early action for admission to the class of 2012.
Legacy: Both of my parents attended UW Madison as well as my grandparents. ( Also various aunts, uncles, cousins) At least 50 relatives total, but I assume only close relations are requested on the app. </p>

<p>SAT I: CR: 800 Math: 680 W: 730 Total: 2210</p>

<p>GPA: W: 4.52 UW: 3.95</p>

<p>I have an increasingly strong record and only received one "B" during high school. ( A 90 in HONORS Bio) I took 4 High School courses in middle school.</p>

<p>Class Rank: I haven't received it yet. I'm certain that I will be in the top 20% but unsure if I will make the the top 10% or 15%. I go to the most competitive and highly ranked school in my area and my graduating class is the largest of all time here. My school does not offer many Honors/ AP opportunities in my areas of interest (writing and the arts) as it is a technical center. Depending on how my class ranks comes out, I may try to find a place in my application to explain that to boost my rank I would have needed to drop French and Art and take up additionally AP Science and Math courses. The valedictorian last year graduated with a 5.08 GPA O.o</p>

<p>Rigor: 30 academic classes total 5 AP courses, many Honors courses.
AP's: English Language (5) English Literature, Psychology, Calculus AB, French Language
Breakdown: ( MS=Middle School)
Math: (5 years) Algebra 1 (MS), ALL HONORS Algrebra II, Geometry, Trig, and AP Calc
Science: (4 years) Earth Science(MS), HONORS Bio, Chemistry, Physics
English: (4 years) HONORS English 9 and 10, AP English Lang and Lit
History: (4 years) Honors World History I(MS) and II, Honors VA and US, and Honors Government
Language: (6 years) French I (MS), II, III Honors French IV, AP French, Latin I
Art: (4 years) Art I, II, II, and HONORS Art IV
Electives: Video and Media Tech, Creative Writing, AP Pysch</p>

6 years of Volunteering at the local SPCA
Member of the SPCA Blue Team ( more advanced volunteer group focusing on cats)
PageTurners Book Club (4 years)
Senior year High School Lit Mag Editor
Rachel's Challenge Club ( anti-bullying club, promotes kindess, honesty, unity, etc.)
French Club (4 years)
Recreational Tennis, Writing, and Video Editing</p>

<p>Notable Awards:
A Honor Roll (10th, 11th)
AB Honor Roll (9th)
Reflections Contest Winner at the School, County, and District Level in the Video Category
PSAT Commended Student
Presidential Scholar (school award for high PSAT scores) ( 3 years straight)</p>

<p>I'm generally an exceptional writer so hopefully my essays will be convincing. I hope being out of state isn't too detrimental to my chances! UW Madison is my dream school and I will be playing up the fact that it is my top choice and has been for all of my life. Also, I might mention in an essay that it's thanks to UW Madison that I even exist. My parents met there at registration! <3</p>

<p>My teacher recommendations will also be strong and from a variety of subject areas.</p>

<p>Other Info:
I toured UW Madison, audited a Creative Writing class, and met with an Admissions counselor, an advisor, and a professor. Hopefully that helps to show interest.</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who actually read through all of this. I appreciate it so much!</p>

<p>you should have no problem, just write a good essay and express your interest in attending.</p>

<p>Rarely do I say 100% but in this case–as close to 100% as one can get.</p>