What are my chances

<p>Before we get into the nitty gritty, I'd like to thank you for taking on this endeavor!</p>

<p>Background info: Out of state, international student (currently live in states and have for most of my life) | Tennis player 3 years on varsity, 1 year between JV and Varsity | Did Model UN for 1 year, probably not this year | high school ranked top 20 in state</p>

<p>Tests and whatnot: AP Tests Taken/Scores: AP World History (freshman) 3, AP European History 5 (soph), AP French 3 (junior), APUSH 4 (junior), AP English Lang 3 (junior) [got my AP scholar with distinction this year]</p>

<p>Will take: AP English Lit, AP Macro, AP Gov, AP Psych, AP Calc AB
Workload = Mostly Honors/APs, basically a straight B student, good at history though.</p>

<p>ACT: 29 [30 E, 28 R, 34 M, 24 S] | 28 <- second time | will take again in September, looking for a 30+</p>

<p>Grades: slacked off in Freshman year, steady improvement, doing great senior year (as of now)
UW: 3.0
W: 3.41</p>

<p>Credits: 4 English, 4.5 History, 4 Math, 4 Science, 5 French, 3.5 other credits [I think, but I know I meet our school's high graduation requirements which are steep]</p>

<p>Probably a great counselor rec as well as a history teacher rec. Looking to get into history (liberal arts) and business (marketing).</p>

<p>Oh, and if you think my chances are bleak, you're not alone haha. All I can really do is work hard 1st semester of senior year. I'm thinking about applying Early Decision to increase my chances, but I also want them to see my 1st semester scores.</p>

<p>What should I do, and what are my chances normally, with ED, or if I wait?</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>While there are two notification periods at UW-Madison, they aren’t called ED / RD.</p>

<p>Sorry - GPA too low. Not a good chance.</p>

<p>It depends- IF your junior year was stellar, ie close to a 4.0, it would show improvement and that you have matured/gained good study habits. You most likely will need to prove you can handle college work by getting better than a B average at another college and applying as a transfer student.</p>