What are my chances?

<p>Hello everyone! </p>

<p>I visited UW in January and fell in love with the school. It is definitely one of my top picks. I was hoping some of you could realistically tell me my chances of admission. </p>

<p>I live in Northern Virginia, just outside of DC. My school was ranked 216 in the country, and we have a difficult grading scale. An A is 94-100, B+ is 90-93, B is 84-89, C+ is 80-83 and so on. We do not rank students. </p>

<p>After my junior year, my cumulative GPA is a 3.587. I think on a 90-100 A Scale I would be at about a 3.8. (I am really hoping the schools I apply to take the scale into consideration) We receive .5 for every AP course, nothing for honors. Here's my transcript:</p>

<p>8th Grade:
Algebra 1 Honors - B+
French 1 - B+</p>

<p>9th Grade:
English 9 Honors- A
Journalism 1- A
World History 1 - A
Geometry- A
Bio 1 Honors- B+
French 2- B
Health/PE 9- A</p>

<p>10th Grade:
English 10 Honors- A
Journalism 2- A
AP World History- B
Algebra 2 - B
Chemistry 1 - B
French 3- C+
Health/PE 10- A</p>

<p>11th Grade:
AP English Lang/Comp- A
AP US History - B
AP Psych - B
Trig/Math Analysis- B
Physics 1 - B
French 4- B+
German 1 - A</p>

<p>And my classes for next year are
AP Lit
AP US/Comparative Gov
AP Stat
Photo 1
French 5
Journalism 3</p>

<p>I've done indoor and outdoor track all three years and played varsity tennis last year. I am president of our French Club, in National Honor Society, and an AP Scholar. I will be an editor of the school newspaper next year. </p>

<p>My SAT's are 1960 (600 Math, 690 Reading, 670 Writing). I am taking the US History and Lit Subject Tests in October.
My AP's are:
5- World History
5- Psychology
5- Eng Lang/Comp
4- US History</p>

<p>Sorry for all the information, I just wanted to be as thorough as possible. I know my biggest flaw is my Math SAT but I really don't intend on majoring in anything that involves Math. Should I retake? </p>

<p>Thanks for ALL your input and advice.</p>

<p>According to the chart, you have a 60% chance.</p>

<p>I think you'll get in. Just don't be disappointed if you don't.</p>

<p>Your gpa, unweighted, is used and they won't care what %age means what, they will use the A,B,C... as given by your school. They also won't care how highly ranked your school is. Under freshman admissions you can check a chart for expectations. Improving grades help, as well as better test scores. Treat this school as a reach /match at best, have a safety.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input, any other thoughts?</p>

<p>There are a lot of B's on your transcript, and you have not taken the most difficult curriculum around: none of the toughest math and science classes. Don't count on getting in.</p>

<p>Tough love here I guess...but yeah I am not much of a math or science guy, nor do I plan in majoring in those fields. Thanks for the input, though. Any suggestions for some safety schools? I thought Madison was a pretty good match</p>

<p>Safeties: U of Minnesota, Purdue, Ohio State, U of Arizona</p>

<p>Matches: Madison, Illinois, Wake Forest, Penn State, U Washington-Seattle</p>

<p>Reaches: Carleton, UCSB, U Florida, UC-Berkeley, Vanderbilt</p>

<p>UW may even be a reach for you, I think WishWash is being optimistic. Do apply to reaches, but have realistic choices if you are postponed/denied. Fortunately many of these schools have rolling admissions so you can apply to your favorite(s) as early as possible and still make app deadlines after decisions are made.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input. I've just signed up for the September ACT so we will see how that will work out. What score do you guys think I should aim for?</p>

<p>With your average GPA, I'd really try to aim for a 30+.</p>

<p>That shouldn't be too hard if you out in a lot of time and effort studying. "Barron's Guide to the ACT" is the best guide if you're trying to score really high.</p>

<p>I would think U Washington is "quite" a reach. My D has significantly better stats and we're Washington resides...we still don't consider her a shoe-in.</p>

<p>Jaf1991, You're on the wrong forum.</p>

<p>Wrong UW. = )</p>

<p>Not on the wrong forum, WishWash. ;o)</p>

<p>You're the one who brought up U Washington as a match. I don't think it's a match; I think it's a rather large reach. I was just pointing that out.</p>

<p>HAHA oops. I apologize.</p>

<p>I forgot that I mentioned UWash.</p>

<p>My family is actually moving to Seattle next summer and want me to look at the school, but sounds like it might be outta reach.</p>

<p>Even if UW-Seattle (totally the wrong forum for this) is slightly out of reach, it's still a really great school to consider.</p>

<p>I visited it in June because we happened to be in the area, and it was beautiful. It's #2 or #3 on my list... but I'm sure applying...</p>

<p>They're like #2 in biological sciences too.</p>

<p>Still, IMO, Madison's better.</p>

<p>Apply to both. Look into UIUC as well.</p>

<p>U Washington is #1 on my daughter's list, if only because it's the only one we can afford for sure if she doesn't qualify for academic scholarships anywhere else! But the other UW is on our list, too.</p>

<p>Nephew from Wis went to UW-Seattle, still living there. UW-Madison is harder to get into than that UW. Never take tests "aiming" for a score, always take them with the intention of getting the best possible score/doing your best, the score you get is what you are, whether or not it means it will get you into a school. Likewise with grades. Be prepared to work hard if you go to UW (aside- UW-M means Milwaukee), if you struggle to get B's you may not make it at UW.</p>

<p>Wow thanks for all the responses. I'm going to tour UW Seattle towards the end of August, but for now I'm still a Badger boy</p>

<p>Good luck, sinkman.</p>