Chances for African American male :/ hel[

<p>I am a African American student. I 'm orginally from Queens, Ny but i recently moved to this posh, rich school district in long island. I only bring this up because I dont know if this can be a deciding factor in college admissions. I'm kinda concerned with my college Admission chances and what colleges to go to. To start of I'm honestly undecided about what career I want to do with my life. I have a 91.6/3.5 overall unweighted average and 93/3.6 weighted average. My SAT's are crappy though. I recieved around a 1600 but I'm studying now to improve it and get at least a 1900. I haven't taken any SAT II's. I'm in the national honors society, I've taken mostly honors and regular classes throughout high school. I'm taking three AP's for senior year, which would be my first 3 AP's. I have been running track for cross country, winter, and spring for junior and now upcoming senior year. I volunteer a lot, which is a requirement for the national honors society. I played tennis during my freshman year. However, i dont think i have enough to get into a well creditable school. I know I'm doing better than many african american males my age but I feel that I cant get into schools like NYU or Binghamton. I would like to go to one of the top schools but i dont know if I'll meet the requirements for them. I frankly dont know what schools I should apply to since I'm undecided. Can you guys help me by giving me a list of schools on the east coast that I have a chance of getting into? I also heard that being a well educated black student can be a boost for admission processes because this girl in my school only took one AP throughout high school, mind you she still did excellent in her classes, and is now attending Columbia. So please tell me if I'm over reacting about this. Thank you :)</p>

<p>You really need to get your SAT scores up! You should also take SAT Subject Test. NYU and Binghamton are definintley going to be a reach. Here are othe schools to consider:</p>

<p>CUNY Hunters
CUNy Baruch
Rutgers NB

<p>you should REALLY study for the sat’s (I know I did) find your weakness, buy a book if you already haven’t and see if one of your super posh teachers could tutor you after school. Your people aren’t paying thousands of dollars for nothing, and if your studying doesn’t pay off or you don’t have the time you can always try for HBCU like Howard, Spellman/Morehouse ,Hampton or Xavier University but visit them first to see if its your scene.</p>

<p>Sorry I didn’t read the whole post but I saw you said NJ and I just hope you’re okay and still alive!</p>

<p>Also, I would like to add Penn State-University Park, University of Delaware, Temple University, and University of Maryland-College Park to SeattleBulldog’s list</p>