Chances for COE?

<p>I’m most interested in COE, maybe chemical engineering</p>

<p>Ethnicity: White
Gender: FEMALE
High School: Public in NC (9-10), public boarding school (considered public elite) (11-12)</p>

<p>AP – AP Calc AB (5), AP environmental science (4), will take AP Chem, AP Microecon, AP Physics C, AP Comp Sci<br>
The coursework at my current school is pretty advanced so junior year I took multivariable calc, combinatorics and game theory, molecular and cell biology, Spanish II and some more basic courses. Next year I’m taking either AP Physics C or an astrophysics sequence, number theory, graph theory, mathematical modeling, complex systems, biomedical instrumentation, western European culture studies, british literature, and the Aps listed above (we take 15 classes a year). </p>

<p>GPA (at 1st school) – weighted: 4.75, unweighted: 4.0. Rank:1/341
GPA (current) – weighted: 5.35 (it’ll go up), we don’t have unweighted GPAs, but I’ve only made 1 B+ and the rest were As so around 3.93. No ranking system.
SAT- CR=620 W=630 M=760 = 2010
SAT 2 – will take math II and physics</p>

- I'm doing a mentorship at Duke for most of the next school year in biomedical/chemical engineering. I might also work in the lab a few weeks this summer.
- This summer, I'm doing an astronomy program through UNC. It's a group of undergraduates and I and we're basically doing an astronomy crash course in WV using a radio telescope there.
-Student Ambassador, 150ish hours
-physics teacher's assistant, selected based on physics aptitude and responsibility
-varisty softball (4 years)
-softball captain next year
-varsity swimming (4 years)
-travel softball, 2 years (state champions, competed in nationals)
-freshman and sophomore class president -black belt in tae kwon do
-french horn, 6 years
-marching band, 2 years
-mellophone section leader and soloist, 10th grade
-teen volunteer at local hospital, 300+ hours
-habitat for humanity
-qualified for the AIME this year
-math club, 2 years
-I’ve done some math competitions, but I’ve never placed
-prom committee
-junior marshal
-FCA, 2 years
-Student council, 2 years
-National merit
-working on starting a club next year, but haven’t gotten everything together
-One of my recs will be awesome, the other will be pretty good
-I'll have good supplementary recs too, one from my mentor at Duke hopefully </p>

<p>I’m also a legacy, my grandpa went to Cornell</p>

<p>I supspect you know what we’re going to say –</p>

<p>The only weakpoint in your stats is the SAT Reading. 620 in reading is low for Cornell, even engineering. (At least as of last year I don’t think Cornell Eng. Looked at SAT writing, so that’s probably not a concern). </p>

<p>Otherwise, grades are excellent, ECs are fine. </p>

<p>You have at least two ‘hooks’, being a legacy (Cornell considers you one if either a parent or a grandparent attended), and you’re a Female Applying to Engineering – the admit rate for females is about twice that of the admit rate for men.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Coming from the South probably gives you diversity points.</p>

<p>If the SAT Reading was 100 points higher, I’d strong candidate very likely to be admitted. With the current scores, it’s really hard to give an opinion. </p>

<p>So, I guess the question is do you think you can improve on this score. If so, you should do so. In any event, try the ACT. Many students do better on one test than the other. </p>

<p>Bottom line – if you can bring that score up, excellent chance. If not, with everything else you have going for you, you should definitely apply. Your sciences look really strong, if you continue at this level, my gut feel (but I really have no hard basis for this) is that you’ll have a pretty good chance anyway.</p>

<p>“Eulerismyhomeboy” – LOL. I agree with the above post.</p>