<p>Im most interested in COE, maybe chemical engineering</p>
<p>Ethnicity: White
Gender: FEMALE
High School: Public in NC (9-10), public boarding school (considered public elite) (11-12)</p>
<p>AP AP Calc AB (5), AP environmental science (4), will take AP Chem, AP Microecon, AP Physics C, AP Comp Sci<br>
The coursework at my current school is pretty advanced so junior year I took multivariable calc, combinatorics and game theory, molecular and cell biology, Spanish II and some more basic courses. Next year Im taking either AP Physics C or an astrophysics sequence, number theory, graph theory, mathematical modeling, complex systems, biomedical instrumentation, western European culture studies, british literature, and the Aps listed above (we take 15 classes a year). </p>
<p>GPA (at 1st school) weighted: 4.75, unweighted: 4.0. Rank:1/341
GPA (current) weighted: 5.35 (itll go up), we dont have unweighted GPAs, but Ive only made 1 B+ and the rest were As so around 3.93. No ranking system.
SAT- CR=620 W=630 M=760 = 2010
SAT 2 will take math II and physics</p>
- I'm doing a mentorship at Duke for most of the next school year in biomedical/chemical engineering. I might also work in the lab a few weeks this summer.
- This summer, I'm doing an astronomy program through UNC. It's a group of undergraduates and I and we're basically doing an astronomy crash course in WV using a radio telescope there.
-Student Ambassador, 150ish hours
-physics teacher's assistant, selected based on physics aptitude and responsibility
-varisty softball (4 years)
-softball captain next year
-varsity swimming (4 years)
-travel softball, 2 years (state champions, competed in nationals)
-freshman and sophomore class president -black belt in tae kwon do
-french horn, 6 years
-marching band, 2 years
-mellophone section leader and soloist, 10th grade
-teen volunteer at local hospital, 300+ hours
-habitat for humanity
-qualified for the AIME this year
-math club, 2 years
-Ive done some math competitions, but Ive never placed
-prom committee
-junior marshal
-FCA, 2 years
-Student council, 2 years
-National merit
-working on starting a club next year, but havent gotten everything together
-One of my recs will be awesome, the other will be pretty good
-I'll have good supplementary recs too, one from my mentor at Duke hopefully </p>
<p>Im also a legacy, my grandpa went to Cornell</p>