Chances for Dartmouth, UPenn, Vanderbilt

Assuming I’m applying early decision what would my chances be to these schools, I would be majoring in Business at Penn and whatever the closest things to business would be at Dartmouth and Vanderbilt. LEGACIES: Father went to Dartmouth and Penn, Grandfather and Uncle went to Vanderbilt. I AM A JUNIOR

GPA: 3.71 weighted (ik know its low, abysmal sophomore year)
SAT I: 2060 single, 2080 super (hopefully wont have to send in if I do well enough on ACT)
ACT: 31 (retaking, hoping for 33+)
SAT II: taking US History and MATH II on saturday hoping 730+ on both
Likely National Merit Commended PSAT: 207

9th grade:0 AP/honors
10th: 2 honors, 1 AP
11th: 3 AP
12th: 7 AP, maybe 6 AP 1 honor (its my choice if I take the one class honor or AP, the class is Latin IV, which do you think I should do?)

President/Founder of Student Managed investment fund (we invest real money from my schools endowment into the stock market)
Teen Board (Officer) at a community center called Wesley Rankin
Teen Board (member) Ronald McDonald House
NHS member
Mu Alpha Theta
Participant in UT Dallas top trader comp this summer and last summer, finished top 10 last summer
Last Summer worked at a Veterinarian’s office, 6 hrs a day, 4 days a week, 8 weeks over the summer
In a week im going to TCU for a week to participate in an investor challenge(for more info search tcu investor challenge)
This summer I have an internship at an Investment firm
President Volunteer service award all 3 years (300 hours total now)
Honor Roll all years
Varsity Golf in 11th, likely 12th, JV 10th
JV Crew 9th Grade
Member of World Affairs Club 9th, 10th
Member of Environmental Awareness Club 9th
Summer after Freshmen year took a service trip to New Orleans to help rebuild the wetlands through and organization called Student Shoulder to Shoulder

Teacher Recs
(10/10)- saw me progress from a B student in 9th grade to and A+ student 11th grade in her class
(10/10)- best student in the class and she’s my advisor, really likes me
Guidance Counselor Rec- not too sure but I don’t see why it would be any lower than (8/10)

My Essays should be pretty good

I think this about sums it up. Please give your honest opinions, Thanks!


please chance me or give me some sort of feedback thanks!

Also another thing about my highschool years is that I have shown a pretty strong upward trend (as you can see in my course rigor from year to year) so please take that into consideration. Thanks

dartmouth, upenn, and vandy applicants frequently have many applicants with extremely high ACT and gpa scores. The fact that you are doing ED helps a lot, but idk your chances for vandy regular and darmouth regular. :frowning: