<p>I'm planning on ECE. My stats aren't too great. Well, I'm no superstar like many people here. It would be very helpful if you could reply. Please, help me. Thank you. </p>
<p>Senior Year Courses: 1st semester & 2nd Semester
Adv. Writing & Creative Writing
Spanish Year 4 Honors
Psychology Honors
Trig/Pre-Cal Honors
AP Chemistry
AP Physics</p>
Octogan Club (Community service thing) 9-11
Ecology Club 9-10
Spanish Club 9-12
Spanish Honors Society 11-12
National Honors Society 11-12
Library Assistant 11-12
X-care (Promotes Character in school) 11-12
Mu Alpha Theta 12</p>
Student of the Month - 9th
English Departmental Award - 10th
Youth Salute (leadership) - 11th</p>
<p>I'm afraid I won't get accepted because the ACT range is 30-32 or something like that. So, what do you think? Do I have a chance? :) Once again, thanks for replying.</p>
<p>Four points below the 25th percentile looks very bad. A 28+ will give you a solid chance. Another thing is that your coursework seems weak since you do not have AP English, AP History/Gov't, and especially AP Calculus (unless your school does not offer these classes).</p>
<p>I'm a Senior. I started school early in India. (I was born there.) I have to apply. </p>
<p>My school doesn't have AP English or AP History. I would have taken Honors Writing, but I didn't have space. We do have AP Calc, but my teachers wouldn't let me double up because my A was too low or whatever. </p>
<p>Do you think I'll stand a chance for LAS? Major in Chemistry and go for Pharmacy?</p>
<p>Now you're talking about an entirely different career path. Don't let college admissions decide your career for you. Besides, UIUC has a new policy where if you get rejected from the College of Engineering, you will automatically be considered for admission into LAS as an undecided major provided you check the box for this on the application. So there is no point in applying to LAS just because you're afraid CoE might reject you.</p>
<p>Are you signed up for the Oct 28th ACT test or the Nov 4th SAT test? If not, then just apply. Being a female in engineering helps a lot because like most engineering schools, UIUC is desperate for women engineers. Make sure you show a lot of enthusiasm for engineering in your essays. One more thing you can do to help improve your chances is apply for a major other than ECE. ECE, CS, and MechE are very popular majors and have harder admissions standards than the other engineering majors even though they are within the same college. Apply for something like aerospace or civil and your chances will improve. You can switch to ECE later without any trouble because all engineers take mostly the same classes during their freshman and sophomore years.</p>
<p>well if you are now looking into pharmacy, go to UIC. they have a top ranked pharmacy program that would be a lot better than UIUC. plus it is relatively cheaper.</p>
<p>GShine_1989: Thanks for your advice. You're right. I was afraid I would get rejected from COE. My parents really want me to go to Champaign. Because they are the ones paying for it, I'm focusing on Champaign. I don't want to get rejected from that university under Engineering or under LAS. I'll follow your advice, but can I be safe that I won't get rejected by the University under LAS? Or am I lacking in that as well?</p>
<p>Tennisfan88: My parents won't let me apply to UIC. They want me to go to Champaign. "They're like it's cheap, it's close to home, go there." Oh, I live in Illinois too if that counts for anything.</p>
<p>There is nothing that will allow you to be "safe" when applying to top universities (barring things like being the child of a professor). I'm applying with a 35 ACT score and both my counselor and the people here have told me that I cannot simply count on being admitted. I'm also applying for ECE.</p>
<p>The middle 50% test score range for LAS is 26-30, meaning your ACT score is again weak, but within competitive ranges this time. Your EC's coupled with well-written essays should give you a good chance, although I'm not sure if those considered for admission into LAS after rejection from another college and those directly applying to LAS are treated equally.</p>
<p>What are your safeties? Are your parents restricting you from applying to any other colleges besides UIC?</p>
<p>last year i was "rejected" from business and they put me in economics in LAS but maybe that was just a special case. to my knowledge that was the only time they offered LAS as an alternative, if you were rejected from business.</p>
<p>^This year they started a new thing though where you can check a box if you wish to be considered for LAS if not accepted into your college of choice. </p>
<p>Visali if I was you, I'd apply to Engineering and then check that box saying you wish to be considered for Liberal Arts. Because like people are saying you are female and a resident which might just be to your advantage. You have a very good GPA and class rank. There's tons of kids at my school with high GPAs and lower scores who get into UIUC (however I don't know about Engineering). The only thing is, I don't know how easy it is to switch majors out of colleges and all that. If you were really serious about Engineering and made it to LAS but not Engin...then I guess it's kinda taking a risk if you really want to major in Engineering because then you will have to get awesome grades to transfer in, right?</p>
<p>Anyways nice to see a fellow Indian applying to UIUC :) Good luck with getting accepted, there are plenty of us in the same shoes so not to worry. Assuming you're a resident, where in IL do you live?</p>
<p>GShine_1989: Well, I'm applying to Champaign, Chicago, SIUE, UMKC, Mizzou, SLU, and U of I in Chicago. My parents heard people talking about the college at Chicago and decided to let me apply. They won't allow me to apply to Purdue. They think it's not worth it.</p>
<p>tennisfan88: Is UIUC hard? I mean, UIUC is tied with Chicago as my first choice. I want a good GPA like above 3.5. I wanted to major in Engineering because earlier this week, my parents wouldn't let me go for pre-med. And, pre-med is really hard. I mean, only 1/4 of all applicants with the MCAT get accepted into med school. I want to make sure I have a safety. My second choice is ECE. So, I thought I could major in ENG and still take some side courses to fill up my pre-med requirements. </p>
<p>barren_field: I live near St. Louis in IL. I really hope I get accepted. I hate the ACT. My reading score always brings me down. English is my third language, and I'm a slow reader. I hate it. I hope I'll do well this Saturday for the ACT. I'll apply. Hopefully, I won't get completely rejected. :)</p>
<p>Pre-med is not a major in itself. All it is is just a pre-medical school professional emphasis (i.e. you fulfill your medical school prerequisites such as biology courses). This can be done with any major, even something completely unrelated to the sciences. Engineering as pre-med is generally a very bad idea because medical school admissions rely heavily on your GPA and engineering GPAs tend to be very low compared to liberal arts and business GPAs. Most medical schools will not take this into account, so engineering students are at a disadvantage. If you have no intention of pursuing an engineering career, you should seriously consider majoring in something else.</p>
<p>But if I can't get into medical school, I can't be jobless. My parents gave me only two options. A doctor or an engineer. I really like electronics and computers, but I think working with kids will make me more happier than working with computers. Even though I want to be a doctor, I highly doubt I'll get accepted into med school. That's why I want an engineering degree. Also, some of you even said that I'm lacking in LAS area as well. So, is there no chance for me to get accepted at all?</p>
<p>i don't think its hard to get into pre-med. yes, first off its not actually a major. basically waht you do is apply as say: pre-med/psychology. you will be taking courses that you would like biochemistry, physiology, etc. plus you would be taking a psych major courses. the reason is that when time comes to apply to the real med school, some people change their mind and now they can at least get a psychology job or b) they are rejected but still have a psych degree.
also, UIUC is moderately hard but it depends entirely on your major and how you plan out your schedule.
good luck.</p>