<p>I think I have a pretty good chance (Thank god for being in-state) but just as a precaution, chance me for U of I ENG (computer science)</p>
<p>Rising senior
GPA: 3.6 UW/ 3.9 W (Yeah, I've been a bit lazy. Should make it's way over 4.0 by graduation)
Class Rank: Just around the top 9%</p>
<p>ACT: 32 (Can't remember subscores, but I do remember my two highest were math/sci)
PSAT: 205, also I qualified for National Merit, don't know if I am just going to be commended or a semi-finalist yet. (probably commended)</p>
<p>White male, no points there :)</p>
<p>4 Years of Wind Ensemble, first chair all four
4 of Jazz, same as above
and I am going to be either a Drum Major or Section Leader this year in marching band</p>
<p>4 years academic team
3 years german club (possibly president this year)</p>
<p>4 years computer explorer post, backed up by the Sigma Xi fraternity. I was secretary for two years, and am president this year.</p>
<p>3 years working IT at my school</p>
<p>The one place I think that I am deficient, in terms of activities, is I never got around to joining NHS. Honestly, I was busy with other stuff/programming, and couldn't be bothered.</p>
<p>Also I'm in state, and have good independent interest in CS, specifically functional programming and compiler development.</p>