<p>from out of state. It kinda sucks because my school is extremely competitive and my rank is 71/432 even with 4.00+ gpas arrrrghh.</p>
<p>4.05 wgpa
3.88 uwpga
9 honor/AL courses, 6 APs
ACT 31
SAT bad... dude i just hate the sats
SAT IIs chinese 800, history 720, chemistry 750</p>
Marching/concert band 9-12
Jazz band 9
NHS- member of the NHS committee
Seminar main presenter and speaker- I arranged and designed a International Seminar at a local high school in china while i was visiting.
Hospital volunteer-over 100 hours
Tutoring- ever since 11th grade.
Habitat for Humanity
Zoo volunteer- 70ish volunteer hours
Music honor society- school club for exceptional musicians
took courses at a local college over the summer
Work at publix</p>
<p>good recs and I write great essays; last year I only missed 3 pt on my term paper.</p>
<p>hey guys/gals do i have a good chance getting into florida? how hard is it for outofstate students?</p>