Chances for Honors College?

Wondering if I have a shot. 1540 SAT, 4.9 weighted GPA, graduating w/ 13 AP’s. Founded my own non-profit, varsity rowing team, rocketry team captain (5 yrs), founder of two rocket clubs at my school, President of Honor Society, was employed. Speech & Debate president and two-time National finalist. In-state.

What are they looking for? Who typically gets the Honors College?

Neuroscience major, btdubs.

You have excellent stats, and even more so, quality ECs that reflect diverse interests! My son was admitted ED to the Honors College, and your stats are much stronger than his; the Honors College wasn’t on his radar.

Accordingly, I’m wondering to what extent stats play into VT’s Honors College decision process. I would look back at the essays you submitted and ask yourself if those essays reflected something about that you that made the Honors College say, “Yes, that’s the sort of student we want!” I have no idea what that certain something might be, unfortunately! The wait is almost over thankfully. You should at least feel very comfortable about receiving an admission offer and hopefully an Honors College invitation as well. Congratulations on your achievements in high school!