Chances to get into Virginia Tech

I am a junior at the moment, but I was wondering if these are good scores so far(for out of state)

SAT: 1330
Math: 670
English: 660
3 APs so far
Unweighted GPA: 3.9-3.95 ish
Activities: FRC( safety captain), Speech and Debate, NHS, Math Honor Society
Awards: Governor Page, Mayoral Award, Hospital summer volunteer, 60+ hours of community.
What are my chances?

What major? That makes a huge difference.


Heyo, My son just got into the CoE for 2019 Fall (ED)
His stats were good but not as impressive as others were in the past
GPA: 4.153
SAT score: 1390
(780 math)(610 reading)
EC’s: cross country varsity runner for district winning team, ran varsity track and part of every Honor society besides English. A hefty amount of community service and an internship with UNCF and Northrop Grumman.

His schedule was very lax up until his junior year where he loaded up on AP classes ultimately ending up with 9 of them.

It’s definitely by far the most competitive college , up their with UVA. Their decision(s) and tendencies if seen in a vacuum can look very random. However, the key to getting into their CoE is that all parts of your application MUST reflect and overall theme of engineering and technological background/experiences. They have a very rigorous curriculum and want to know that you can handle it. That must include a very strong background in math( maybe up to calculus ?) a STRONG math sub score and if possible a math level II Subject test. Also, having some intro computer science classes wouldn’t hurt. Extra curriculars are important too as they show that you are not just a student but are someone who is involved in their high school and society. Honors clubs for certain academia is very good as well as volunteer work and sports(Sports should be relevant if you are actually contributing to the team). Lastly, know that VT uses a holistic review meaning numbers while having a lot of influence isn’t everything. Use the four essays as a tool to explain who you are, stand out ! Tell them why Tech would be thrilled to have you and what you can contribute to their culture and achievements. Good luck !!!?

Thank You for the advice, I am right now in calculus and thinking of applying to AP computer science next year

Apply for Virginia Earth System Science Scholars through the Virginia Space Grant Consortium during early senior year. Your chances will increase significantly by going through that program. If not, definitely take SAT Subject: Math Lv. II or learn a coding language online (I recommend Python). You seem like a very smart guy, so I doubt you’ll have that much trouble getting in, but those recommendations are just to help boost yourself more even after you get in (i.e. internships).