Chances for LMU -- Class of 2012!!

<p>I want to major in Poly Sci/Pre-Law</p>

<p>Graduating: 2008
Ethnicity: White
High School: Sends some grads to top schools (yale, mit, some to duke, georgetown, usc, BC, etc.)
Ecomomic Status: Middle-Class/Will Apply for fin. Aid</p>

<p>GPA: 3.37UW, 3.595W
Class Rank: Top 20%.. 65/330
SAT: 1710/2400 (1110/1600) 590CR 520M 600W </p>

<p>Freshman: All college classes
Soph: 2 Honors, 3 college, 1 elective (req.)
Junior: 2 AP, 2 Honors, 1 college, 1 elective
Senior: 1 AP, 2 Honors, 3 academic electives (Phsyc, Business, etc)</p>

<p>-Varsity Hockey (9 10 11 12, Senior Leader, 4X letterman)
-Hockey Intramural (10 11 12)
-Summer Hockey Camp (Summer 06)
-Summer Hockey Training (Summer 07)</p>

<p>-Stock & Investments Club (10 11 12, President senior year)
Placed in top 10% in '06 and top 18% in '07 (in the state)
-Community Awareness Club (11 12, Senior Leader and possibly chairman)
-National Spanish Honor Society (11 12, Secretary senior year)
-Tutoring in Spanish (11, 12)
-Student council (9 10 11 12)
-Other random comm. service opportunities</p>

<p>-Job at Law Office (2 years)
-Lawyer Shadowing (Summer 07)
-Internship w/ Lawyer (Summer 07)
-Internship at Marketing company (Summer 06)
-Have own web/graphic design business (4 years)
-Job bussing tables at a restaraunt (1 year)</p>

<p>I would be surprised if you didnt get in, because other than the GPA you are either qualified or overqualified, like I said in the other thread I was really surprised with how easy admittance was, I mean I got a scholarship with a 1700 on my SATs, but my ACT was probably what they were weighing out, which was 18.</p>

<p>anyone else have an opinion?</p>

i'm applying there too, i have similar stats except my SAT is about 300 points higher. i emailed one of the counselors, and after a long long discussion, he said that i should get in no problem.
lmu is really crazy about community service, so i would definitley stress that in your application
maybe i'll see you next fall! :)</p>

<p>Hey just wondering why I get deffered. </p>

<p>got 3.3 gpa unweight around 3.5 weight
28 on act
1900 sat
play both soccer and lacrosse varsity level
community service: New orleans, mississippi, brisbane habitat for humanity
soccer coach and track coach for special olympics
summer program in both spain and mexico
ap scholor, block award, school honors
... most kids i know i have better scores then got in why did i not get accepted? i go to one of the top private schools in the country</p>

<p>george1231, this is the mystery of getting into any college. You are qualified. Some qualified students with very high test scores and GPAs are rejected, and some with lower scores are accepted. Did your essay convey your desire to go to LMU? Maybe it was just that many similar applicants had been accepted before you and they wanted someone who studied peacock feathers. Who knows? If you want LMU, then hang in there and write them a letter expressing the reasons that you are THE one they should take from the list. They did defer you, so , when they have more room, you may very well be in, but I wouldn't wait for that. If there is no other school that would make you as happy, then start your campaign to get into LMU!</p>