Chances for Miami?

<p>I am a junior at a private school in Michigan.</p>

3.6 UW GPA, 3.9-4.0 W GPA
31 ACT
205 PSAT
Taken all the hardest classes I could at my school, including the IB diploma program.
I will have taken 5 AP/IB classes by the end of my senior year (and 3 of them will be 2 year HL classes)</p>

<p>Extracurrics: 75ish community service hours
Cross country (all 4 years)
track (All 4 years)
government class president</p>

<p>u good.</p>


<p>I agree. Should no have a problem.</p>

<p>Thanks for taking the time to critique me! I hope I get in!</p>