Chances for acceptance?

<p>Hi everyone I'm new to this board and I have been really worried about college lately and since UM is my number 1 choice, I have been eager to know what my chances are.</p>

<p>I have just finished jr year and live in state. Private school</p>

<p>Ethnicity- Asian American</p>

<p>GPA- Weighted- 3.95/ Unweighted- 3.42</p>

<p>Have upward trend. Sophomore year slacked off, but raised grades through jr year and hopefully sr.</p>

<p>Rigor of Courses- by end of high school will have taken all honors, 2 duel enrollment classes, and 7 ap classes. Toughest possible schedule except for 1 class throughout all 4 years. </p>

<p>Class rank- they don't reveal until graduation. guess is top 15-20 out of class of 200</p>

<p>Sat- Cr 570 Math -630 W- 590
(Waiting for scores from June Sat and I think I did a lot better than 1200)</p>

80 hours community service
2 Years Football
2 Years Varsity Lacrosse (2 year letter in lacrosse)
1 Year Track/field</p>

<p>Key Club member, Helping Hands club member, Future Business Leaders of America, Think Pink, Ecology Club, Life Club, </p>

<p>Outside of School- has worked as a receptionist, part of local youth group</p>

<p>please can someone answer?</p>

<p>And update:
New sat scores </p>

<p>CR:600 Math: 650 Writing: 590</p>


<p>With those new scores your chances are improved, but your unweighted GPA is pretty low :confused: your SAT is average for UM and your GPA is pretty below average (at least your unweighted is) but you have some good ECs</p>

<p>Thank you tyadams. Also if I were to get straight a’s first semester sr year, would admissions add that in as my cumulative gpa or is the end of my junior year the final gpa?</p>

<p>Oh and I would be applying early decision how much would that help?</p>

<p>If you’re applying ED, your senior year won’t matter in terms of boosting your GPA, it’ll only matter in terms of your mid-year report (at least that’s how it is for me; I don’t know when you guys get your first grades of senior year, but the deadline for ED is Nov. 1)</p>

<p>3.4 UW GPA
Top 10%
1250 SAT</p>

<p>Your strongest stat is the top 10%. The SAT is at the 25th%-tile and your overall GPA is in the bottom 12% of Miami incoming freshman (according to Miami’s latest Common Data Set). That combo makes Miami a reach in my book. In your favor you say that your GPA is on an uptrend and the gap to your weighted GPA certainly implies a tough schedule (Honors/AP classes). ED has to be submitted by Nov 1 (I think), so most likely you won’t have first semester grades to help your case.</p>

<p>Applying ED would certainly show your commitment but there’s the problem of not knowing what your financial aid package would be. If you get accepted you have to withdraw all other applications, so if you don’t lie the fin aid package you’re in a tough spot. My guess is that if you apply ED you’ll be deferred to the regular decision pool.</p>

<p>I think you are on the line. I would take the ACT (prepare for it). If you get over 30 then submitt only that score. Apply ED, my son had better numbers and he didn’t receive any aid.</p>

<p>Your senior 1st semester will only count if you apply regular, but if you do EA they won’t. I would do regular just so u can get as much of a gpa boost as possible. Maybe do 1 more SAT/ACT.</p>

<p>Definitely take the ACT. I’ve heard that the ACT is much better for those who are stronger at math than CR. This was very much the case for my son. As far as your gpa, I recall reading on UM’s website that they use whatever gpa your school reports, without differentiating UW from W. That skews their CDS numbers so they show a higher avg gpa. Therefore, they would use your 3.95 which is right in their ballpark. I also believe that although the EA deadline is November 1, the supporting documentation (i.e test scores, transcripts, etc.) can be submitted up to Jan 15. In fact, my son. took the Dec. ACT and UM received the scores on Jan 14. They definitely accepted them because I called to confirm. The risk is that if you apply too early, they will have already reviewed your file and rendered a decision before they receive your mid-year report. I would recommend applying EA close to the Nov. 1 deadline and include a note explaining that you expect very high grades for the Fall and ask that they hold off on your file until they receive them. That way they can mark your file as incomplete until they receive them.</p>

<p>Good luck. Miami is a great school. My son is really excited about going there in the Fall.</p>

<p>I’ve been on a college visit trip with my family for the past few weeks and I got so worked up today that I had a panic attack during an information session! haha so I’m trying to calm it down a bit and look at things logically. So the bottom line is, I really want to come to University of Miami! I have a 4.3 weighted GPA and a 1950 (so far) on the SAT. 560 CR (bad I know) 630 WR and 760 MA. What should I try to do to raise my chances of being admitted? And are they good with giving financial aid? Thanks!</p>