Chances for New Yorker?

I am a transfer student from a community college in new york. My GPA is about a 3.69 and i plan on taking my SAT again to improve my math score (500) but also improve my english (590). I will have 30 credits after the second semester ends. Also i have a incredible letter of recomendation from an alum. This school is incredibly prestigious and i curious if they will see my extreme effort and grade increases from high school. I was a michigan state acceptance and deferred for better opportunity. </p>

<p>Please respond with advice/opinion.</p>

<p>THank you!!!</p>

<p>I grew up in NYC, you went to CC for reason’s other then money (IMHO). If you had a 3.69 in Brooklyn or Queens college I would say that you have a shot, at a CC your odds are very low.</p>

<p>well i didnt go msu because at the time the market wasnt doing well and my fathers job is based solely on how the market does…you really think i have no chance even with high grades,improvement,and showing that ill take the SAT again and strong recs? :(</p>

<p>which CC do you attend. What classes have you taken that compose your GPA. I don’t know if they look at your HS record once your in college.</p>

<p>Your HS record may matter after only one semester’s worth of grades- those are good, btw. Direct any questions about retaking the SAT to admissions to see if would matter- an email should work. Students apply from Wisconsin technical colleges, yours could be on par with those. Sounds worth your while to apply- and keep Michigan State as your back up.</p>

<p>i went to suffolk county community college. Yeah i might keep michigan state as my backup but since i dedicated this year id rather go to a more prestigious school. Will wisconsin email me back quickly ? i called today and was kept on hold for a while then gave up…i will most likely email them. Has any one here had success as a transfer after only one year?</p>

<p>the classes i took were
english 101,communications,economics,algebra (non cred),workplace skills,and a athletic class. All together 15 credits,my second semester classes equal 18 credits which would put me at 33 while wisconsin only needs 24 to transfer…</p>

<p>Students who attend CC usually start a degree and finish at a four year college. Why don’t you meet the requirements of your intended major and then transfer. SAT’s shouldn’t matter, your college work should speak for itself.</p>

<p>Find out how many of your courses will count for college transfer to be sure you have 24 college level credits. Your school may not be listed on the UW credit transfer worksheet but you should be able to find out how they would transfer in your state.</p>

<p>Regarding taking courses at any nonUW school before transferring- those students get less time at UW, missing out on the experience of being on the campus plus they don’t get the advantage of as many UW classes. If financially feasible the sooner a student transfers the sooner they can benefit from the UW level of teaching.</p>

<p>I know that I am not being politically correct but here goes. You are taking English 101, I assume that you didn’t take AP English, you are taking Algebra so I assume that you are very weak in math. College Eco normally has Calculus so I assume that it’s a very low Eco class relative to a school like UW. Your 3.69 GPA not going to help you much.</p>

<p>Yeah i was poor in math in high school. And correct, wasnt in an AP in HS in correlation to the ENG 101 question. Calculus and Economics were together but i chose to take the help math class so i could be ready and not have a class bring down my first semester GPA,however this semester i am enrolled in Calculus.</p>



<p>Be careful with what you take though, your courses don’t have be extraordinarily difficult per se, but they have to be at an appropriate level of course rigor for UW to take the grades you get in them seriously. When I transferred I was told that the classes that didn’t transfer to UW as credit wouldn’t be considered when looking at how good my grades were overall. I highly doubt something like “Workplace Skills” will transfer as anything, and taking Algebra in college doesn’t reflect strongly on your overall course rigor (especially if it isn’t for credit, which tells me that it’s a remedial class).</p>

<p>I don’t know what your schedule looks like for next semester, but if you have something like “Workplace Skills” on it right now try to replace it with a math class of some kind (maybe Calculus), or a history course, a literature class, or something similar.</p>

<p>And it’s true that students from technical schools do transfer to UW, but unless you go to MATC it’s far from easy and usually much more difficult than trying to from a four year UW System school. I have a friend who was rejected as a transfer student by UW despite having a 4.0 GPA. A lot of his classes wouldn’t have transferred as anything to UW, so that undoubtedly hurt him quite a bit.</p>

<p>ok,i took in all of the advice given and changed alot of my schedule for next semester to have some of the more core,harder subjects.</p>

<p>I appreciate and thank you all for helping me out and answering my questions. Hope i get in and if i do or dont your help is greatly appreciated!!</p>

<p>i got a 3.5 and am now in all honors courses…does this dramatically alter my chances</p>