Chances for NYU! Help a kid out?

<p>African-American Female, Canadian-American citizenship</p>

<p>G.P.A. 3.4 uw , 3.67 w.</p>

<p>32 ACT</p>

<p>Haven't taken the SAT, but PSAT placed my scores fairly high, registered for November.</p>

<p>Taken all AP's my school offers</p>

<p>AP English Lang and Comp A
AP Psychology A</p>

<p>Obviously haven't taken the AP tests yet. </p>

<p>Schedule for next year:
AP English Lit
AP Calc
AP Chem
AP Physics</p>

<p>Hoping these EC's will help.
Cross Country (06-11)
Varsity Cross Country team (09-11)
Recieved my black belt in 2003
Instructor and mentor in at Ernie Reyes World Martial Arts
Member of the National Society for Black Engineers
Member of my chapter of the NAACP
President of the youth group at my mosque, and gives monthly speeches.
100+ community service at the library and in math, and French tutoring
Taken 4 years of French, straight A's all the way through
Member of Interfaith-Ohio
Volunteer/Member of the Council of American-Islamic Relations
Member of the National Youth Administration
People-to-people Student Ambassador
Rebuilt houses, and mosques in Columbus
French Honors Society
English Honors Society
(Too early for National Honors Society, they tell the juniors at the end of the year)
Honorable mentions at the Town Art Show
Went to Districts for Spelling Bee.
Vocal Jazz
Drama Club
Concert Choir
Piano (11 years old-present)
Guitar (9 years old-present)</p>

<p>I'm forgetting some, but that is basically it.</p>

<p>Additional info:
I'm first Generation, my parents are immigrants from Ethiopia and I am currently filming a documentary (which I am entering into the Columbus Film Festival) and writing a book about there story (got a publisher).</p>

<p>I don't know if this is enough info. </p>

<p>That's about all I got. NYU is the goal.</p>

<p>"I don’t know if this is enough info. "</p>

<p>Yeah, it isn’t. We need to know what school within NYU you’re applying to to give you an accurate chance. CAS is a high match/low reach considering that your GPA is pretty low (ACT is good) and Stern is a reach. There are more schools than just CAS and Stern, though.</p>

<p>CAS, that’s what I meant. Not Stern, definitely. And I know the SAT is important too.</p>

<p>you have a good chance.</p>

<p>From what you said is good, but I need more. I’m assuming documentaries count as an extra curricular. Did you do anything else? What’s your major?</p>

<p>Also, you’re a junior. Make an effort to bring your cumulative GPA to around a 3.55 - 3.6 and you should be in good conditions. I’m a senior right now with a 3.6 UW gpa and just sent in my NYU app… I had a 3.43 at the start of my junior. Do well this year and you’re in.</p>

<p>Your ECs are pretty extensive but seem to be lacking focus. Try to get a leadership position in a club for next year.</p>

<p>Being a URM will help as well.</p>

<p>My major is undecided. But I don’t wanna’ be “that guy” who goes into such a good school having no idea what she’s doing, I know I want to go into mathematics and Economics though, and I know CAS does that fairly well. </p>

<p>Yeah my EC’s are all over the place. I am trying to narrow down. </p>

<p>Thanks the both of you.</p>