Chances for OOS and estimated receival of the decision?

<p>Asian Female
Top 10% (7/110~120)
4.0W (UW-? dunno maybe a 3.5/3.6)
660M, 660CR, 650 W (1320/1970)</p>

<p>Not too many ECs, but a very large amount of time dedicated to each
80 ish hours of volunteering
taken all honors/AP classes (most rigorous schedule)</p>

<p>I applied already sent out my stuff like.....October31st/November 1st; applying to Smeal</p>

<p>When do you think I'd get the rejection/acceptance by?</p>

<p>yeah and i don't really think receival is a word but lol whatever. maybe thats why I did pretty bad-ish on my writing =D</p>

<p>receival?! XD you have pretty good shot. goodl uck</p>

<p>You have similar stats as me when I applied last year with 4.0w/1100sat with not too many EC's. I'm OOS (New York City) and asian too. I sent it the same time as you did (except to engineering). I didn't have the most rigorous schedule though, but I did have honors/aps. I can tell you this - I got my letter around late November (probably the last week like November 30 or something). Good luck! You should have no problem getting in.</p>