chances for OOS applicant?

GPA: 3.91 UW / 4.61 W
Rank: 7/88
APs: English Language (5), English Literature, Spanish, Macroeconomics (3), Calculus AB, Computer Science A (3), US History, Chemistry (3), Biology
SAT: 1480/2280 (780CR/700M/800W)</p>

- National Honor Society
- Spanish Honor Society - Vice President
- Debate team - Team Captain (10th-11th)
- 25 hours volunteering at local hospital
- 100 hours volunteering at Ronald McDonald House
- Varsity tennis </p>


<p>Debate & Forensics
- Placed 6th place in state competition
- Placed in top 32 in nation (CFL)
- Finalist at nationals (NFL) </p>

<p>Spanish Team
- Participated in state Spanish competition
+ Placed 3rd overall as a school </p>

- Attended Girls State 2008
- National Merit Semifinalist (PSAT: 226)
- National technology fair - finalist (ISTF)
- Regional science fair - 4th place
- Tennis team - "Most Dedicated Player" </p>

<p><strong><em>OOS applicant!</em></strong></p>

<p>strong chance you will be admitted.</p>

<p>Thank you very much for such a positive reply! UVA is a dream school for me. I was worried that, since I am an OOS applicant, I would have no chance. Thank you for that little bit of hope!</p>

<p>In…hope I’m right.</p>

<p>Why, do you stand to lose money if I don’t get in ;)?
thank you both for your replies.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the difficulty of the Jefferson Scholarship? My school was not on the eligible list unfortunately, so I would believe that that would leave me with no chance at all to get this scholarship.</p>

<p>Nah, nothing to win or lose, just don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up if I’m wrong.
The Jefferson is very hard to win. Keep your feet grounded. Anything can happen.</p>

<p>Curious – are you going to do parly debate at UVA if you get in? ;)</p>

<p>Perhaps - I don’t know too much about it though. We don’t do it at our school and I have never had any exposure to college debate. It would be interesting to try!</p>

<p>again, thanks for the replies!</p>

<p>Nothing really fundamentally changes in debate when you get to college – sure everyone becomes frighteningly better, and in parly there aren’t any low point wins where you can win for having a harsher arsenal of points despite speaking less eloquently. And the travelling around the country on the weekend part is always fun.</p>

<p>I should add the parly debate is structured more lightly than LD or policy – the “parly” part is mostly ceremonial. It’s also a lot more fun, since all the cases are student-proposed (i.e. not determined by some equivalent of the NFL ;)) – you get very wild ones, as well as the hardcore policyesque ones.</p>

<p>I have done pretty much primarily Congress & PFD - my NFL finalist designation is in Congress, the other two are in PFD. </p>

<p>Does anyone have anymore chances for me?</p>

<p>I think that you have a great chance. Your GPA and SAT scores are high, and your activities show versatility - sports, volunteerism, debate, foreign language. You have leadership positions and a strong schedule. The national-level awards will probably boost your application considerably. Make sure that your essays and recommendations look good, and maybe you should consider taking SAT IIs to give you an additional boost.</p>

<p>Thank you for your great replies, everyone! Does anyone else have an opinion? UVA is my top choice dream school, so I’m looking for realistic chances so that I won’t be terribly disappointed on April 1 :D</p>