Chances for OOS Student

<p>I'm a junior about to be a senior in arizona</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Male Asian (2nd Generation)
GPA: 4.0 UW/4.9 W
Class Rank: 1 out of 530</p>

2280 Overall (first try and ive only taken it once)
1560 Math+Reading
800 Math
760 Critical Reading
720 Writing</p>

<p>SAT II:
World History-740</p>

<p>AP Test:
World History-5
Calculus AB (expecting 5)
U.S. History (expecting 5)
English Language (expecting 4)</p>

4-year Varsity Basketball
Will be Varsity bball captain this upcoming senior year
Special Olympics Basketball Coach
YMCA Youth League Referee
YMCA Employee
Nighthawk Basketball Camp Counsler
Internship With Univ of Ariz Track Coach
People Club Treasurer
Connect-4 (similar to Link-Crew)
Show Choir
Univ of Ariz MEDCAMP 2007
Had a poem published </p>

<p>I will most likely be a National Merit Finalist in the fall</p>

<p>*i know that my EC's are a little weak, but thats b/c im so focused on basketball. my school is really good in bball. this year we had one player going to ASU, another Army, we were in state championship last year, and U of A comes to our open gyms to scout us. unfortunately, im not sure if colleges will know how good my HS team is and i dont think many people know how much a commitment basketball is (countless hours shooting, lifting, conditioning, playing, etc). any ideas on how to improve my EC's?</p>

<p>I would also love to know how much MERIT based scholarship wisconsin gives. my parents make too much money for me to qualify for much need based aid. thanks for your input!</p>

<p>Your in, I had a 3.4UW, much lower SATs, about same extra curriculars maybe a little more, and and got in OOS</p>

<p>apply to ivies if you want...</p>

<p>P.S. I also had a poem published, you think thats a significant EC? I was thinking of not even putting it down...</p>

<p>You're in without a doubt imo. </p>

<p>I got in with less impressive stats. I'm from AZ too. Will be a freshman next year.</p>

<p>Good luck with your application process :)</p>

<p>Excellent chances. Also consider more elite schools and consider UW your safety if any others appeal to you more. Add any published works to your apps, of course. You have to remember UW is public, but do check the financial aid info. Also, because it is a flagship public U you will find other steller students, especially if you apply to the Honors program.</p>

<p>I should add, I'll also be in the honors program.</p>

<p>I agree with Wis75 -- apply to those prestigious schools, you have an excellent shot. I did the same and was accepted at a few. I see UW and the Honors program as a happy medium for me -- but that was only after months of going through the application process and visiting/researching these universities. That's the great part about the app process is that you might not know exactly what you want before you start, but you'll almost certainly know by march next year :)</p>

<p>Good luck to you, I'm sure you'll find a great fit -- I hope it's at Wisc :P</p>

<p>lol.... you're in! I cant see how they wouldnt accept you....</p>

<p>I'm assuming your just posting stats to every forum on here for every school you're applying to because it's kind of funny that you had to ask with those stats. I'm not putting Madison down, but you're a shoo-in</p>